Jul 22, 2005 12:19
Can you believe that I still ahve to wait for unemployment? so I'm being nice and not charging my friend for babysitting her 2 boys Mon - Friday (she's doing her internship) thinking We'll be ok cuz I have unemployment coming well now I have to wait for a wage investigation which is at least 2 more weeks,cuz Jack and his stupid ass wife didn't file their unemployment money. WHICH IS ILLEGAL!!! and htey jsut bought themselves a goddamn Hummer adn a Lexus which has a car payment of 1200 bucks a month I can't afford food for my kid cuz they are stupid assholes I hate this I fuckin hate this!!!! I can't even get WIC cuz we bring in less than 50 bucks too much a month. Since they lowered the income stats again. probably to give funding to the war or b/c of people like my friends who lie and make too much too. but since they lie they get it.I'm done this is not my life Can I just get a goddamn break already!