Oct 01, 2008 19:03
Title: The Ring
Author: ac_123
Chapters: 1/? (possibly 4)
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 1x16: The Ring
Characters/Pairings: Chuck/Casey, Sarah
Summary: Casey and Sarach come into possession of a ring that they give to Chuck for safe-keeping. Throw in a deadly secret, a pair of theives, and a ticking clock, and you get an adventure that will test everybody's last nerves.
Disclaimer: I do not own Chuck. I wish I did, because Zach Levi is CUUUUTE!!!
A/N: Made for the Angel Challenge. First four chapters will involve my prompts. I'm not sure if I'll go beyond that. Definitely related to the "Improper Times" series.
The woman jumped down from the five-story building to the neighboring three-story building and kept running. Her persuers--a dangerously fast woman--were not far behind. The jump had slowed her, but it had slowed the pursuer even more.
Her arms pumped, propelling her forward. In one of her clenched fists, a ring cut into the flesh of her palm.
She jumped down to another building two stories down. She stumbled and almost fell completely, but caught herself with the ringless finger and managed to get back onto her feet. She kept running. As soon as she got to the end of this building, however, she noticed that there was no building after this one. Instead, beneath her were black, turbulent waves that threatened to knock off even the barnacles that were connected to the concrete pier.
The girl looked over her shoulder. The pursuer wasn't far behind. The girl looked back over the pier. She looked around some more. She turned around and faced the girl who was running towards her. The girl stood still and waited until the woman was within reaching distance. She then threw the ring over the woman's head and, in the same motion, grabbed the woman's arm and twisted their bodies together. The two women fell into the ocean together.
Casey waited for Sarah to resurface. His arms were crossed over his chest and he had his trademark frown creasing his face.
Sarah pulled herself out of the water. She shook her soaked head, making her blond hair fly around and stick to her dripping face. Sarah approached her partner, making an excuse as to why she didn't even capture the thief.
While they were underwater, Sarah had grabbed the thief's elbow. The damned girl had kicked Sarah in the stomach, however, and swam away. It was a good move, really. Sarah had to resurface for air, allowing the thief the time to escape from her.
Still, she had thrown away the ring, so it was possible to still recover that.
Casey uncrossed his arms. "Good job Agent Walker" he said. He held out his hand and opened it, revealing the small gold band. "We've succeeded in our mission."
Sarah was mildly shocked that he had been able to find it, but then smiled. "Good job to you too" Sarah said. "I would've suspected it to be harder to find the damned thing."
"It's easy if you have a flashlight" Casey said, lifting his pen-sized one.
Sarah took the ring out of his hand. "What's this thing supposed to do, anyway?"
"Who knows" Casey said. "At least we can say we succeeded in a mission without there being any hitches." Casey started to walk away.
"I miss him too" Sarah sighed. She put the ring in the pocket on her hip and then caught up with Casey.
"What do you mean?" Casey asked. He reeked of denial.
"Chuck makes missions more adventurous" Sarah said.
"Well, it's better that he stays at home this time" Casey said. "He still needs to heal."
Sarah became very serious very quickly. "Yeah," she agreed, thinking back to how Chuck looked in the hospital a month earlier.
The two didn't say anything until they got to the car.
"I lost the ring!" Rebekah shouted. "I can't believe I lost the ring!"
Rebekah fisted her hair and growled before running all over the roof. Her boyfriend, an older man who was standing with his back against the wall, lit a ciggarette and enjoyed the sight of his firey girlfriend run herself out. To him, it didn't matter that the ring got lost. There were prettier pieces of jewelry to steal in Los Angeles. Hell, she could walk down Hollywood Boulevard, point something out, and with a whip of a credit card it'd be hers.
Still, Rebekah was the kitty burglar, Georgio was just along for the ride.
"What if she got it, Georgie?" Rebekah cried.
"Than...she have it" Georgio answered, Italian accent curling his words.
"What would she want it for, anyway?" Rebekah ranted. She fell to her knees. "I thought I was the only one who knew." Rebekah sighed.
Georgio walked up to his girlfriend and kneeled by her, taking her into his arms. "You probably did, bella. She probably just thought it was pretty." Georgio pecked Rebekah's cheek. "Now, doyou want to mope all day, or do you want to go home and get ready for your big day tomorrow?"
Rebekah's head perked up. She nodded. "Yeah, we can worry about the ring later."