Yesterday, today, everyday

Feb 12, 2005 20:21

Well I hung out with jessy and justin yesterday..yes hung out, don't i sound cool. Actually it was a play date hahaha. We went over to coney island for an exquisite dining experience...mmmmmm. Then off to my house where we played mario party and talked online to people..and jessy talked on the phone to a person.

Today i got up and felt like dressing slightly better than a hoodie so i did. Weird huh? Then, i got online and long behold there was jessy, with an away message about depjfing haahaha and it talked to me. It said "Amy write me" well...not word for word but hey it said me :). So like a good little obeying girl i wrote her. Then i ran away...wait thats another story.. so back to this one. She wrote back and i wrote back and this continued for a while in which we determined we'd make bubble pizza so...i went to her place of residence and established that i must proceed to the doorway to push in the button the makes a dinging noise...ahh forget this, she came over we made food, we ate food, amy laughed, amy had fun, jessy laughed, amy hoped she had fun as we always do together. Then we played games in which yoshi ruled all over again...go yoshi go yoshi. Then we looked at prom dresses online oooo so pretty ones. Then amy wondered who she'd go with...... Then parents came in and said we go to mall and eat so we did mmmm. Then my parents let jessy and i go wandering around the mall, in which we came across a store with prom dresses and we tried them on and jessy found an awesome looking purple one...jk mike. I mean green one :) in which she looked awesome in...sooo pretty and shiny..yes shiny aliesha very much so. Then amy found three ones she really liked, two coral ones and a black and blue pretty on me. I showed my parents, but decided to wait till i know if i'm going or till i try more on before buying it. And then we brought jessy home. *tear* i shall miss thee and our mario party..wait i have mario party!! Take that! and that...he he that reminds me of the bridge game. Congratulations to those of you who suffered through this long story of my day with all of its run on sentences and spelling errors and grammar mistakes. I so proud of you jessy for not disowning me for this horrible writting style..can you believe i got a 61/62 on my grammar test??
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