She Had To Turn Around...

Jun 27, 2011 19:56

Wow, it's been almost a year since I've written anything here. I suppose today that shall change, for a little while

I'm finally happy with my job. I'm still at Lowe's, but in a new department. Back in September of '10 I transferred to the Home Decor/Paint department. I liked it, but there was way too much drama over there. At the end of May of this year I was asked to move to the Installed Sales department. It was something new, and I knew that it would be a challenge. I accepted, and so far I'm glad that I did. I realize that I've only been there for about a month, but so far so good. Also, I love my new schedule. I always get either Saturday/Sunday off or Tuesday/Wednesday. I work every 3rd weekend. Plus, I'm not usually there past 7pm. As of the end of August I will have been with the company for 5 years. I do believe that this is the longest that I've been at any job.

Patrick and I are still together and doing well. We're still living on our own in a townhouse in Trenton. We like where we're currently at, but I'm pretty sure that eventually we'll move out of Ohio. That's my hope anyways. I've been in the same area my whole life. I'd really like to experience life in other parts of the country or even the world. Of course, my dream is to someday live in London, England. However, I'm not sure that dream will ever come true. So for now, I shall not hold my breath.

About a month ago we took a weekend and went on vacation. We went up to Columbus to a Beerfest. It was really fun, and I'm pretty sure that we will be attending more of those in the future. Then we went up to Sandusky to Cedar Point. That was a really good time. However, I'm already ready for another Next year we're planning to take a trip to Las Vegas. I've never been there, and I've wanted to experience it for a really long time.

I finally got a new vehicle that I have named "Firefly". My step-dad, Mark, calls it the "Yellow Submarine" Well, it's not new, but it is new to me. It's a '01 Pontiac Aztek. It's a bright orangey-yellow. I have seat covers and a steering wheel cover with a peacock design on them. I really like it. At least now I'm not afraid that my car is going to break down every time I turn it on, and I don't have to worry about being stranded somewhere. It gets good gas mileage.

Speaking of gas, a few months ago gas prices got up to over $4.00/gallon. That sucked! Recently they dropped back down to just above $3.00. I really hope that they continue to go down. Driving was really getting expensive, especially when we have to occasionally drive all the way to Harrison (an hour drive one way) to pick up or drop off Patrick's girls.

Patrick's girls are getting SOOOO big! Kylie will be 8 in December. She's into dance and cheerleading. We're convinced that she will be a stripper when she's She already likes to dance on things and shake her booty. Summer just turned 2 in February. She talks pretty much non-stop, and can make fragmented sentences. She's definitely the adventurous one. She's not afraid of anything. Well, that is except for box A while ago we had one on downstairs and she stuck her finger in it. It scared her a lot. We've been working with her to help her get over her issue with the fan. We've been making progress, which is good.

Patrick's making dinner, and I have some things that I want to take care of. Hopefully I'll remember to update more. In the past, I've found that writing (typing my thoughts) in a journal does help me to get things that I would normally just keep bottled up out. Until next time, I bid you adieu.