Jun 19, 2008 17:54
I dragged myself out of bed this morning for yet another weekly supervisor meeting at the good old Bizzle (for those of you who don't work there anymore... we moved them to 8am...yikes). Although I don't really mind going to the weekly meetings and occasionally get some good info out of them, changing them to 8am really sucked any fun that was there completely out.
\my real story
So.... as I am driving down the bypass on my way to the meeting I see off in the distance some flashing yellow lights. As I draw close to them, I see that there are city workers outside the truck working on something. Cool... fixing a pothole? By the time I make it up there I look over to see what they are doing and I see 3 city employees pulling a dead bloody deer into the back of their truck with a rope that is TIED. AROUND. ITS. NECK.
Waaaaay too much to see before 7:45am, without any caffeine.