I know its been quite a while... sorry! I've been a bit busy with work during back to school, taking care of the two surgerized (is that a word) puppies and of course getting ready for the house. In case you were wondering, here are a few pictures of the house. It's made A LOT of progress since I last put pictures up on here, so I thought you all might like to see it! All of you (within close proximity) will be invited for a house warming party once we get everything moved in and situated, which could be a month or so.
So without furter ado:
this is the back of our house from the court behind us...
this is the front of our house at this point... obviously we are gonna have a driveway, porch, etc...
this is what the inside looks like at this point... I'm standing in the family room looking at the kitchen, to your left is the deck