The Basics
Name/Nickname: Matcha.
Gender: Female.
Age: 21.
Likes: Linguistics, translating, atomic bomb literature, Japanese literature, blank paper, erasers, people I get along with. The usual anime, manga, video games answer. Doujinshi.
Dislikes: People who emo for no reason, people who look for reasons to be emo, liars, see Fears, repetition (like people asking me to repeat myself more than twice, those stupid "Are we there yet?" things, people tapping pens against desk surfaces, music with monotonous drumbeats). Fangirl Japanese. >_>
Goals: To become a translator for and a professor in Japanese atomic bomb literature. Or to become an endangered language linguist and live among peoples whose languages are endangered and save as much as I can of their language before they die. Or alternatively, to be a professional leech and live off my sister.
Fears: Worms, maggots, the sound of fingernails on blackboards, and coming in contact with other people's bodily fluids (not including blood for some reason). Failing, being unprepared, messing up when cooking and thus wasting good food.
Talents: I like to think I'm a good translator, and I'm good at cooking Filipino dishes. I'm a good public speaker, or at least, I'm told that I am.
Hobbies: Translating Japanese to English, learning linguistic facts about different languages, reading manga, not so much watching anime these days, replaying Tales of the Abyss, RPing.
Strong points: I'm good at looking at situations from different angles and coming up with possible solutions. I come up with really good RP plots.
Weak points: I hold people to ridiculously high expectations, I'm highly critical of people, and I'm bluntly honest. I have wonderful ideas and very little motivation to see them through, unless they're important enough. I'm not good at doing things/going places alone on the first try and usually wind up freaking out and panicking if I don't feel prepared to, for example, take a different bus to work. Though I am good at thinking up different possible solutions to a problem, I have a tendency to disregard my own well-being and have often been told to grow a survival instinct.
The Attitude
Mature or Immature: Mature-ish? With occasional dives into immature fun times.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'd say a healthy mix of both with an unhealthy mix of indifference packed in. I usually cycle between content, irate, and apathetic.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy, mostly.
Calm or Energetic: Depends. Energetic when uncomfortable. Calm on a usual basis.
Brains or Brawn: Both. I'm great for my brain but generally dislike thinking too hard about things. I love doing menial tasks (like the current work I'm doing, cleaning, and such things), but am not much use for heavy lifting. I'm built like a twig.
Controlled or Impulsive: I'm generally controlled until you factor in the fact that I'm really bad at keeping my wallet shut. At least I'm good enough to not buy when I don't have the money for it. My credit's good. ;D
Determined or Passive: Mostly passive. It's hard to get me worked up the point of being determined, but it does happen, like when there's something I really want to get done or when I have to get something done. When I actually am determined, it's hard to dissuade me.
Ignorant or Informed: Informed in things that interest me. Mostly ignorant in things that don't.
Patient or Impatient: I try to be patient, but actually, I'm quite impatient. I'm just good at pretending otherwise.
Compassionate or Just: Just, though I can be compassionate if I think a person's situation calls for it. I'm not really good at empathizing or even sympathizing, but that helps in being just and giving advice, at the very least.
Confident or Modest: Confident?. No, definitely modest. I have skills that I'm confident in but that I worry aren't sufficient anyway.
The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your master. You block her attack and then wake up in the middle of nowhere, half-way across the world . What would your first reaction be?
I'd probably flip out at first and be like, "Where the hell am I? What the hell happened? What the hell did you do, and who the hell are you anyway?" And then I'd be like, 'ooh, cool, I'm outside the manor 8D' and wind up running around to explore like a kid in a candy store.
A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one?
I'd be a little disappointed, but I'd get over it quickly. Then, I'd try to figure out what exactly makes it less home-like and resolve to find somewhere that did feel like home. After all, I now have the ability to travel freely, mwahaha.
If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him?
First, I'd be so easily irritated by him that I'd want to just ditch him and be over with it, but I'd stick with him because of my feeling of obligation to fix what I started. Upon realizing just why he is as he is, what circumstances he had in his life that led up to his spoilt, selfish state, I'd feel more lenient. I hate brats as much as the next person and would tell him off as often as I felt necessary, but I also resonate with people raised in isolation. Also, considering the fact that I am Tear, I would have been raised in the Qliphoth and thus, also socially retarded in my own respect, so I'd feel I understood him more than he was aware of.
If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing?
I would observe things. Look out the windows and study the area around Daath--the kinds of trees and monsters, the way the sky looks, sit in the cathedral and watch worshippers--their way of dress, the way they pray, and compare my findings to what I see in books about the places and people of different regions.
If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up?
Maybe. If people I love are among those millions, I'd do it. I'd also try to do it so that they don't know I'm the one dying to save them; rather, I'd like to make it look like I'm dying from whatever I'm saving them from, so that they don't feel like they owe me their lives or something.
If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react?
I would laugh. I'm a supporter of nurture over nature, so even if I found out I were a replica or not of the parents I was raised by, my upbringing can't be incorrect unless I was actually raised completely differently and then brainwashed to think otherwise. Either way, even if I wasn't me, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before you went?
I would tell no one and live life normally, going about the things I usually do and seeing the people I usually see. I would want things to be as close to normal as possible. The only difference is that I would take the time to notice all the small things, all the quirks in both the people and places around me, and appreciate them for once.
Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely?
I would live easy and by the Score until something came up in it that I found questionable and the only reason I'm given to keep following the 'something questionable' is that the Score must be followed. Cop out, cookie cutter answers founded on shaky reasoning like that tick me wrong.