Ion has Cheagle breath ;(

Jan 15, 2009 00:13

The Basics
Name/Nickname: I go by Zelos/Zel everywhere, even in real life because I don't like my real name and Zelos was the first video game character I really liked. He hid who he was and had a juicy dark past, and I like that in characters.
Gender: m
Likes: writing ((my income)), art, violent video games, discussing politics ((sometimes)), forum discussion, geology/volcanology ((my major in college)), listening to music ((rock, alternative, emo, etc)), the outdoors, dogs, NASCAR, messing with people, pretending to be who I'm not
Dislikes: goody-goody type people who are always so happy and trying to be everyone's friend! I also hate pacifists, hippies, people who don't stand up for themselves and olives.
Goals: Be better than everyone else in my field.
Fears: My worst fear is to be forgotten and for my life to not mean anything.
Talents: My writing is my most valued skill. Art is second, but I have an uncanny ability to remember names. I am also an ace at geography and maps. I can also recall dreams I have when I'm sleeping better than anyone I know. I'm also rather observant and good at collecting information.
Hobbies: writing, art, video games, talking politics, messing with people, listening to music, hiking, camping, boating, rockhounding
Strong points: Any of my "strong points" are arguable since I don't exactly have that "desirable" personality in society. I'm cynical, sarcastic, somewhat egotistic, individualistic, anti-authority, calculative and likely always scheming up something. I am also on the manipulative side... tricking people and getting people to do what I want is fun 8O I also am decent at time-management and I don't like wasting time on stupid things that I'm not interested in.
Weak points: Hmm... I guess I am rather stubborn... once I get an idea in my head, it's hard to get rid of it, so I probably come off as closed-minded every now and then. Friendships are hard for me... I tend to shove away the people who want to help or be there for me. I just don't want to be dependent, I guess? In high school, my counselor called my parents and said I had the personality of a school shooter :/ Branded me for the rest of my school life that did! I suppose that set me up for a lot of things later on. I also have an inferiority complex and I really hate being outdone -.-;; then to be compared to those better than me just makes me spazz ZOMG e_e *stops self before rant* and Oh yeah, I suck at being in a leadership role since I don't look out for my teammates very well...

The Attitude
Mature or Immature: immature... but i think everyone is immature, pretty much
Optimistic or Pessimistic: pessimistic... optimists annoy me because they never see the dark side in anything.
Outgoing or Shy: outgoing. i have no reason to be shy.
Calm or Energetic: hmm... I think I'm somewhere in the middle. I lose my temper ((so I'm not exactly calm)) but I'm not exactly bouncing off the walls, either. I guess I'll go with energetic because I do get passionate about some things.
Brains or Brawn: brawn with brains! I can be reckless but I usually plot out something beforehand. I have a tendency to size up my foes pretty well so it's not like I go into a fight completely unknowing of what the other person is like.
Controlled or Impulsive: impulsive. like I said, I get passionate, and it's hard to be 100% controlled at those times.
Determined or Passive: determined... when I need to be. I'm passive when I'm being observant or thinking, but it's not without good reason.
Ignorant or Informed: informed. I hate not knowing things.
Patient or Impatient: this is a funny question for me... I am impatient on some things but am patient with others. like in Halo, I am hardly patient with anything yet when I am doing my art, I can work for long lengths of time. It just depends on what I'm doing.
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate. I am not into the whole justice thing... revenge I can go for, though.
Confident or Modest: confident, but I have my moments of being modest...

The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your master. You block her attack and than wake up in the middle of no where, half way a cross the world . What would your first reaction be?

Something along the likes of "WTF!?" I'd definitely want answers right away, and/or try and kill the intruder. I like stability in my life and sudden changes aren't exactly welcomed. It just pisses me off =_=

A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one?

It would be... really uncomfortable. I'd want to go wherever did feel like home. I am only content when I'm comfortable.

If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him?

I would probably go back on my promise at some point because my patience would run out x( Drop him off on the side of the road and leave him to fend for himself then go back to hunting Van down again. Escorting some rich kid home just isn't on my to-do list.

If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing?

Well, likely if my only purpose was to serve as a figurehead I wouldn't have the idea in my head to do much else besides what I was born to do. I suppose I would waste some time daydreaming while looking out the window. Maybe doodle/draw what I saw outside and what I saw in my dreams.

If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up?

No. I don't think that is even negotiable. But if someone else wanted to, I say go for it.

If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react?

Okay, this question confuses me a little XP So like... if the past I thought I had wasn't my real past? I guess I'd be curious about who I really was originally.

If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before your went?

Try and complete my goals before my time was up. I probably won't change my way of living much... I've thought about this question before and I think I'd continue living as if I didn't know, though on some level I'd be thinking about it. I'd probably think about it just enough to be able to plot out the rest of my life just right so I can get everything I want to do done in the time I have.

Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely?

The score can kiss my ass!!!! I'd destroy the score. I am from a somewhat "traditional"-style family with superstitions and things that can be equated to the Score. Yeah, I'd rather not go there...

stamped: sync

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