April - August Monthly Roundup

Sep 07, 2010 16:37

Fic I wrote

Metaphors for the Void is Jack O'Neill and Sara O'Neill, sometime in the future. A sequel to an earlier ficlet of mine.

Repeat Again from the Start is very dark messed-up Jack/Daniel written for Porn Battle X

Fic I read and loved (not a comprehensive list)

[note: I've become, not only a fan who rarely manages to read fic, but a fan who sometimes forgets to comment when she loves something, which I kinda hate. So if I'm reccing your fic and neglected to comment, I'm sorry. Take this to mean I loved it!]

And is there Honey still for Tea? which was written by tryfanstone for the apocabigbang challenge ( original LJ announcement here). This fic, which is Winnie the Pooh apocafic was recced around, with good reason. Christopher Robin is all grown up and war comes to the Hundred Acre Woods and it's written in the style as the books and the characters are so very true and the entire story captures the feel of that fictional universe amazingly well. Note: this *is* apocafic. And while it's less dark than a lot of apocafic, it is still apocafic. Also note: I personally wish I had waited until the end to read the footnotes, rather than reading them as I came by the links. YMMV.

Hear the City Breathe is Sports Night fic by
raven and it's about Natalie! Natalie and Dana and queerness and it's note-perfect awesome.

Vid rec! Raise It Up by beccatoria is a vid about the children in The Sarah Connor Chronicles and, oh, oh, this is why I love vidding. And why I love this show. Really, just go watch it (um, knowing the source material probably helps)

teand wrote Visiting Hours for troyswann's birthday and we all win! In this season 10 SG-1 fic, Cam is back in a hospital room he'd hoped to never see again after a mission that got a little too hot. Luckily, he's only there for a few days of careful observation, but SG-1 never leaves a man behind, especially when he's bored and going crazy in a hospital. The best part about this fic is that I have no idea whether I love Sam, Vala, Teal'c, Daniel, or Jack more for their attempts to keep Cam sane. Wonderful teamy goodness.

lithiumdoll wrote T:SCC Martin Bedell (no, not that Martin Bedell, *that* Martin Bedell) in The Fire Handler. It starts with Martin after meeting John and Derek and ends with, well, what's going to happen after J-Day and it's prose you can feel and the characterization and hardness hidden by soft bits and mode of story-telling and biblical imagery hits all the right notes for the show and, oh, I hate Fox for taking this away from us but I love fandom for giving us stories like this.

Remembrance by trascendenza (link to AO3) is Being Human and George and Rosh Hashanah (which, incidentally, starts tomorrow night, so L'shanah Tovah to my flist). It's short and sweet and GEORGE (he makes a LIST) and perfect. And, for the record, I am firmly on the "not to raisin" side. I'm often very hesitant to read Judaism represented in fandom, even when I'm excited when canon gives us Jewish characters. This fic hits the right notes dead center, both for the fandom and everything else.

And then I went on a wishfulaces kick through AO3, because apparently I didn't read all of her fic when I entered the SG-1 fandom, so Connection (short snippets of Jack/Daniel and Jack/Sam) is an exploration of how these characters operate apart and together, and is a rare 1st person POV that didn't have me immediately backbuttoning. Following this is A Study in Immobility which is listed as Jack/Daniel, but it isn't super strongly so. Jack and Daniel are imprisoned, waiting for rescue, and recently-post-Ascension Daniel is feeling a bit too trapped in his own skin. And, finally, Finest Kind is a brief study of Daniel Jackson and all the things that tie him down and lift him up.

Speaking of Being Human, troyswann wrote Thin-Spun Life, which is her version of the step the characters are going to take after the end of season 2, and I won't say more for risk of spoilers (really don't read if you haven't seen it) and, oh, I love Nina so.

Moving back to post-S2 T:SCC, Every Time is the First Time by
vehemently is John running and running and the infinite possible time lines the show hints at messing with his head. Oh, really, this is why time travel is so very broken.

And last, but far from least: Now is the Winter by vixys is an SG-1 fic about Jonas Quinn on Ori-invaded Langara, and judging by the comments over there, you haven't all read it, so I'm reccing it again. It's so Jonas and so powerful and happy and hurty in all the right places and the prose is crisp and sharp and it's one of those fics that perfectly fills in a whole the writers left gapping wide.

This entry was originally posted at dreamwidth
. Replies are welcome on either post.

recs, monthly roundup

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