April - August Roundup

Aug 26, 2009 15:03

So not only have I had little time to write, but I also haven't been reading much and my reccing has gone way down. In an effort to try to re-engage fannishly (the con last weekend reawakened fannish glee in me) here's the fics I've marked to rec, some of them as far back as April. All are Stargate: SG-1 unless otherwise noted (and, actually, I have more non-gateverse than gateverse). I want to apologize now that I think I'm reccing several fics I never commented on. I try not to do that, but my internet time and access has been so spotty that I'm falling down on my internet ettiquette.


The Pattern of All the Process by raedbard written for lgbtfest (The West Wing). I recced this when it first came out and I still don't know how to give it a proper rec. It's a post-series AU about Toby Ziegler's twins, imagining if they had both been born girls but one was trans. Normally nothing in that description would appeal to me in fic, but this story (and you can totally read it with no canon knowledge) is so carefully masterfully crafted and beautifully told that I couldn't stop. Seriously read it.

That Man That is Not Passion's Slave by likethesun2. Slings and Aarrows fic and OMG SO GOOD (I mean, it's likethesun2, everything she writes turns to gold). Geoffrey Tennant-focused fic sent in the past, back when he was playing Hamlet and glimpse into the spiral into madness and, just, Shakespeare and theater geekage to ring completely true to the show. *loves* (gabolange - this is the one I told you you should read)

Five Apocalyptic Earths John Crichton Never Found by cofax7 (Farscape). So once upon a time Cofax asked for prompts and I gave her this one and she wrote it and IT IS AWESOME. Five different scenarios in which John Crichton makes his way back to Earth only to find the end of the world as he knows it - each a crossover with a different show and it's fun to guess so I'm not giving hints, but the characterization is spot on and the imagery is great and, really, Cofax writes great apocafic.

blessed are your eyes because they see by siriaeve - T:SCC - James Ellison post-Apocalypse (written before the end of season two). Beautiful imagery and Ellison at his core and faith and the things he learns and things he refuses.

These Things my Mother Taught Me by halcyon_shift is a post-series for T:SCC. DO NOT read it unless you've finished season 2, but if you have finished, drop everything and read it NOW OMG. This is John immediately after the finale and I'm not saying anything more because I'll spoil half my flist, but OMG IS IT PERFECT. And THEN the first one was so good, more got written: Like Locked Rooms and, just, these fics are canon in my mind.

Speeding Cars by ana_jo (T:SCC vid). To be honest I dont' watch vids much and I don't know proper language for reccing them, but I liked this one enough to mark it to rec. So...enjoy?

Blossom in the Dust by lokei (SG-1/SG:TNG written for multiverse5000). Ascended!Daniel meets Q. Pitch-perfect voice for both characters and just as fun and mind-bending as it should be.

Calling Doctor Howard, Doctor Fine, Doctor Howard by pepper_field - Jack lands in the infirmary and Sam, Daniel and Teal'c return the favor of all the infirmary visits he's paid them over the years.

Giant Plant-like Thing in the Night by ziparumpazoo. Bill Lee has some mild PTSD after "Zero Hour" He was never meant to be a botanist.

Sunlight on a Broken Column by medie. Canon often forgets Vala was a host, or plays it for jokes, but fandom exists to fix canon's mistakes and this fic packs a punch as we get a glimpse of all the demons Vala hides beneath the jokes and flirting and over-the-top masks.

Stay in Touch by Tefnut. Can't remember who linked this and I'm of two minds of the story. It's really interesting world building and a great story idea, but I personally found the characterization a bit shaky. Jack and Daniel are separated from the team and trapped underground on a planet with giant serpents, where they meet a people who've sought refuge underground and evolved to live in total darkness. Toes the line of Jack/Daniel smarm and I mostly scrolled past the Sam and Teal'c scenes because the author's characterization didn't work for me, but I did really enjoy the story as a whole.

From Ashes to Honey by paian. A long time ago there was a Sam_Daniel ficathon and I managed to never finish reading the fics for it. But I finally got around to this one. This is Sam and Daniel in season 10, struggling to find how they fit within SGC and SG-1 and each other and all the familiar places and all the rough places and the intimate knowledge of long friendship paired with the weird clash of a stranger in someone you've always known and, just, I love it. paian may mostly write Jack/Daniel but I always always always love when she plays with Sam (not exactly gen but not really a ship fic)

Ecstasis by nandamai is OT4 and VERY NC-17 and everything I love about OT3+ in the gateverse. This is Sam after Jacob's funeral and a team of people who have been through so much and only have each other to hold onto and have to reach beyond normal coping methods.

recs, monthly roundup

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