2008 Fic Year in Review

Dec 23, 2008 14:24

It was a little crazy going back through the last year to collect all these stories. My life is so radically different than it was a year ago, almost entirely in better ways, which is fantastic but, wow did my writing output plummet. Last Year I posted 60 fics for 108,086 words. This year was 34 fics (most of them commentfic) for 44,759 words and almost nothing since I started graduate school.

Still, it was a good year. redial_the_gate is still going strong. I met some more fans and had a wonderful time at WorldCon and have lots of Works in Progress, if I ever manage to write them. Anyway, on to this year's fic:

Regular Stories (5 stories) [6013 words]

Universal Gravitation (SG1, NC-17) (Sam/Jack/Daniel) [2535 words] 1/13/08
Now the Sun has Come to Earth (SG1, PG) (Gen, Sam & Teal'c Friendship) [793 words] 2/4/08
Illumination (SG1, NC-17) (Sam/Jack/Daniel) [2685 words] 3/26/08
Stargate Action Figure Theater: Sam, Daniel, and the Planet of the 80's (SG1, PG) [20 pictures] 6/7/08
Action Figure Theater: A Visit to P3X-sure-looks-safe-to-me (SG1, PG) [15 pictures] 12/3/08

Stories for Ficathons and other Events (6 stories) [24,760 words]

Tumbling Down (Day of Indulgence) (SG1, PG) (Sam and Jack) [2109 words] 2/25/08
Victim of Disorganized Thinking (redial_the_gate) (SG1, PG) (Gen, Jack, team) [1337 words] 3/1/08
Magnificent Desolation (sg1friendathon) (SG1, PG) (Gen, Sam & Jack Friendship) [5138 words] 6/2/08
Rosemary for Remembrance (the Paragon of Animals remix) (gateverse_remix)(SG1, PG-13) (Teal'c/Shau'nac, Teal'c/Va'lar, Teal'c/Drey'auc, Teal'c/Ishta) [3662 words] 8/17/08
G is for Gravity (Fig's alphabet birthday) (SG1, G) (Gen, team) [740 words] 9/15/08
Drifting Out at Sea (apocalypse_kree) (SG1/SGA, PG) (Gen, Cam, everyone) [11,774 words] 10/2/08

Remnants of the 20 characters meme (2 stories) [2057 words]

Journey of a Thousand Years (SG1, G) (Gen, Sam & Bra'tac Friendship) [621 words] 1/13/08
A Still, Small Voice (SG1, PG) (Gen, Sara O'Neill, SG-1) [1436 words] 1/13/08

Written for Commentfic Prompts (21 stories) [11,929 words]

* From LeapGate Prompts
Shadows of the Past (SG1, PG) (Gen, Daniel and Carolyn) [739 words] 3/12/08
Sins Which Aren't Ours (SG1, PG-13) (Gen, Jolinar, Qetesh, Rosha) [702 words] 3/12/08

Jack, Sara O'Neill - Baseball (SG1, G) [523 words] 3/20/08
Daniel, Jack, Sam - Campsite (SG1, G) [480 words] 3/20/08
Cam, Sam - Dance (SG1, PG) [707 words] 3/20/08
Daniel, Jack, Sam, Teal'c - Embrace (SG1, G) [716 words] 3/20/08
Daniel, Jonas - Fate (SG1, PG-13) [756 words] 3/20/08
Sam, Teal'c - Ghosts (SG1, G) [257 words] 3/20/08
Sam, Vala - Hands (SG1, PG) [311 words] 3/20/08
Daniel, Teyla - Lost [SG1/SGA, G) [477 words] 3/20/08
Daniel, RepliCarter - Memory (SG1, G) [210 words] 3/20/08
Jack, Sam, Teal'c - Navigate (SG1, PG) [434 words] 3/20/08
RepliCarter, RepliWeir - Pirate (SG1/SGA, PG-13) [726 words] 3/20/08
John Sheppard, Sam - Quantum (SGA, PG) [404 words] 3/20/08
Cam/Daniel - Vigil (SG1, NC-17) [1011 words] 3/20/08
Ronon, Teal'c - X-Box (SG1/SGA, PG) [268 words] 3/20/08
Bra'tac, Jack - Young (SG1, G) [232 words] 3/20/08
Pete, Sam - Zoo (SG1, PG) [586 words] 3/20/08

* Written for Porn Battle VI
Darkest Before Dawn (SG1, PG-13) (Sam/Vala) [670 words] 8/5/08
To Some Far-Off Moon (SG1, NC-17) (Sam/Cam) [956 words] 8/5/08
Absolution (SG1, NC-17) (Sam/Teal'c) [764 words] 8/5/08

Favorite Bits From the Year

  1. His reply was sharp and angry. "Our child will grow up a slave to a lie."

    "Do not say such things out loud," Drey'auc snapped back, pulling her hands away. He could not protect them while he was away and if others suspected he might not believe, he would put her and their child in jeopardy. "Even if they are true."

    "I will say what I like in this house." His eyes blazed with anger but, she thought, not at her.

    "No." Drey'auc stepped back, keeping her voice stern. "For me, for our child, for yourself, you will still believe. What other choice is there?" - Rosemary for Remembrance (the Paragon of Animals remix)
  2. You're cooking?" Sam sinks back into the water, letting the heat suck out the lingering bits of adrenaline. "Did you take the battery out of the smoke alarm first?"

    He's silent for half a second before asking again, with the tone of voice that is supposed to sound irritated by really isn't. "Cheese?" - Tumbling Down
  3. This is the kind of decision Daniel could make with a swift look at the situation and a crazy plan he has complete confidence in. Or a decision Colonel O'Neill could have made, looking at the cold, hard reality and deciding what had to be done. It is the sort of permanent decision Sam has never liked, the kind she wants to second-guess and re-analyze and change fluidly until someone forces her to lock in. - Now the Sun has Come to Earth
  4. When they did leave, door clanging shut behind them and he was blessedly alone in the dark (he has fallen to his knees, but never in prostration, never praising the Ori) he rolled onto his back and laughed into the darkness. The sound that echoed back at him sounded like it came from a crazy person. Daniel Jackson. Jonas will never know if that man is a curse or a blessing but it seems their fates are doomed to entwine and that Daniel Jackson will forever be a sign of Jonas losing everything he has to gain something else instead. - Daniel, Jonas - Fate
  5. Patience Jolinar thinks back. Rosha burns hot for quick revenge, but Jolinar has been waiting enough centuries to know when to savor a victory. We leave her alone. What she imagines will get us further than anything we can do.

    The host has spirit Rosha thinks back. It is a shame Qetesh - she mentally spits the name - has ruined her. She could have been good for you when I am gone.

    I fear when we are done, she will want little to do with Goa'uld or Tok'ra Jolinar answers, letting herself picture, for a minute, the fine-boned face, the dark hair, the fragile frame which has proven stronger than it looks. - Sins Which Aren't Ours
  6. "They're not going to do anything," Jackson mutters, still not opening his eyes. "They're just going to sit there and watch while the Ori burn through this galaxy. But I can do something. And I'm not going to sit by anymore."

    "Jackson..." He scares Cam when he gets like this, makes him realize just how much control he doesn't have over his own team. "You gonna regret this?"

    "Probably. It doesn't matter." Jackson's voice is quieter, his breathing slower. - Drifting Out at Sea
  7. Teal'c had a shiny suit of armor and a pointy hat and an axe and, really, made a ridiculous looking tin-man. But the axe looked sharp enough that Jack thought he should keep that opinion to himself.

    "C'mon, T, you have a heart," Jack told him, after using the oil can from under the apple tree.

    "Indeed," Teal'c said, moving his axe-arm and grimacing (as much as Teal'c grimaced) at the squeak of old metal. "But I thought the axe might prove a valuable weapon. I have heard the flying monkeys can be dangerous."

    Jack shrugged. "I've had worse. So, I assume Daniel is going to be the Lion? Because neither he nor Carter can fake not having a brain." - Victim of Disorganized Thinking
  8. She thinks this isn't an Air Force-approved coping method, but no manual she ever read mentioned proper protocol for trapping your team on a space ship in a time-distortion bubble. Cameron blames her and runs, pounding footsteps wearing a trail through the carpeted corridors that never get him further away. General Landry grows plants. Daniel spends hours locked away with the Asgard database, Vala drives Daniel crazy and Sam, Sam tries and fails and fails and fails to find a way out of the mess she made. - Absolution
  9. These are the things you will learn.
    Force equals mass times acceleration but that doesn’t count, and neither does relativity, when you don’t play in normal space.
    Physics problems aren’t as much fun when they involve real people.
    Touching the stars doesn’t make you want them any less.
    Sometimes the dreams are all you have left and sometimes you have to set them free. - Magnificent Desolation
  10. Yet he knows that somehow none of this is actually about him but is instead about what Sam needs from him because he left them and there are debts none of them will ever be able to explain, much less pay....Daniel has lots of answers, about it being good to be back and good to be solid and he wants to say he missed them, only he doesn't actually remember if he did or not. There's still something Sam is never going to tell him and something Jack very carefully does not want to talk about. .....He can never promise to not leave them again, but he'll give them what he can as long as he can. It has to be enough. - Illumination

Substantial Works in Progress I Intend to Finish Sometime (not counting the three still from last year)

Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines in Pieces on the Ground (RepliWeir/RepliCarter) [17,507 words]

The door behind her swishes open and shut and Liz doesn’t have to look up, recognizes the footsteps, the way the body (other one the same) moves. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Colonel Carter asks, standing behind her.

“She said not to, said you wouldn’t trust her, wouldn’t trust me.”

“She was right.”

“She fooled you too.” It’s not a question. Liz knows enough of the story.

Carter sits down next to her with a scrap of boots and creak of knees that aren’t as young as they once were. “I fooled myself,” she admits, shaking her head. “And I let her fool me. Because I wanted to be right, needed to be right.”

“She killed Daniel?” Liz has to ask, knows the answer, remembers the transferred memory of sword-hand sliding into warm beating heart. Not that killing Daniel is all that much of an accomplishment judging by SG-1 mission reports.

Carter nods.

“I bet that was fun when he got back.”

Continuum Fic [2,753 words]

Janet takes the halting conversation in stride and Sam has to fight to not relax into the comforting familiarity, not let herself give away something she shouldn't. "Do you want to talk about whatever caused this apparently unusual behavior?"

Sam drags her fork through the puddle of maple syrup on her plate, realizes she's scratching out Earth's point of origin, and drops the fork to clang against the plate. "It just hit me that...my life isn't anything like what it's supposed to be."

Janet's laugh startles her. "Oh, don't we all know that."

And this is the point where Sam is supposed to continue the conversation, pour her heart out to Janet about everything and Janet is supposed to make sympathetic noises and helpful suggestions and it hits Sam as hard as Rodney's photo hit her last night that she can't do this. Not now, not ever.


"So, Daniel Jackson who doesn't know much about Egypt," Sabrina asks him, half-empty mug of coffee cradled in her hands. "What is it you do know about?"

"I was working with the Air Force as a linguist," Daniel says. Cover stories should be as simple and close to the truth as possible - easier to keep from tripping up. Jack taught him that. "But now" - he taps the part of his leg that is no longer flesh - "my life is mostly physical therapy and catching up on all the books I've never had time to read. Oh, and sleep."

Her laugh is small, but it wasn't much of a joke. "Do you miss it?"

"The leg or the job?" And when did he become so comfortable with gallows humor?

"The job, of course."

Daniel leans back into his chair, swirling the coffee in his cup before taking another sip. Sometimes he thinks there isn't enough warmth in the world to thaw him completely. "It had it's moments. I don't miss wondering what's going to kill me next."

stargate_summer fic of DOOM! [3109 words]

It starts with three days on Chulak, hiding in a cave and begging Daniel to wake up while Teal'c foraged for supplies. Seventh chevron wouldn't lock on Earth's address, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma sites broadcasted "Stay away at all costs" when dialed, and suddenly they had nowhere to go and no help for Daniel beyond checking he's still breathing. Sam doesn't sleep.

When Ba'al's ships fall out of the sky they barely manage to get through to the Land of Light, two days there before metal spiders destroy paradise, and on the next planet Sam tells Teal'c to call the shots because she's tired and their enemy knows how she thinks better than she does.

Daniel wakes up, finally, in a cave on the next planet, sees her hovering over him and backpedals until he slams into the wall behind him.

And that does it. Sam hasn't slept (not really, catnap here or there) in 6 days and Teal'c has to push her to eat and somewhere out there is a monster with her face and her knowledge and her thoughts and she's taking over the galaxy and Daniel is afraid of her and she just...

Walks out of the cave, mutters "Daniel's awake" to Teal'c, and keeps walking. Two hours later she stops, looks around at unfamiliar trees and gravity that isn't 9.8 m/s^2 and constellations overhead that don't form any patterns she knows and realizes she has no clue where she is.

Total Stories Posted: 13 Fics, 21 Comment fics, for 34 total
Total Word Count of Posted Stories: 44,759
Total Word Count of Works in Progress 23,369
Total Words in 2008 68,128

And, Finally, the Traditional Questions

My Favorite Stories of the Year: Going back through these reminded me how much fun Victim of Disorganized Thinking was and someday I really want to turn Daniel, Jonas - Fate and Absolution into full-size fics, so I'm pretty fond of them. And I love the imagery in Now the Sun has Come to Earth. But I think my favorite is the not-yet-finished RepliFic. It's fun and playing with all sorts of new things I've never done before.

My Best Stories This Year: Fandom would say Magnificent Desolation but I think Illumination was really, really good but, well, overall I don't think my fic this year was as good as last year's.

Stories most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Rosemary for Remembrance (the Paragon of Animals remix) hands down. I don't know if I posted it at a bad time or if remixes don't draw people or it it's because it's Teal'c (gen and slash and het) or if it's just not very good (one of those fics I'm still having a hard time knowing if it's remotely good). I still learned a lot writing it and it was fun seeing Teal'c through so many eyes.

Stories I Wrote That I Never Thought I'd Write: Well, I never thought I'd try to tackle tight 3rd person stream of consciousness replicator PoV, so there's that. But that prize goes to the pair of OT3 fics - Universal Gravitation and Illumination . If you had told me I'd be writing glowing dildo threesome porn...

Most Fun Stories: Victim of Disorganized Thinking was pure crack - just letting my brain go and writing whatever came out.

Sexiest Stories: Personally I find Cam/Daniel - Vigil pretty hot but, um, again with the OT3 pair of Universal Gravitation and Illumination.

Hardest Stories to Write: Tumbling Down was really hard, as was Rosemary for Remembrance (the Paragon of Animals remix) but Magnificent Desolation wins this prize hands down. I'm *still* not happy with it.

Easiest Stories to Write: The porn battle entries - Absolution and To Some Far-Off Moon because I just sat back and let my brain decide whether it wanted to write something - no forcing. Also Victim of Disorganized Thinking which just came out of nowhere and, well, pure crack is fun and doesn't have to make sense.

Favorite...Sam Carter: Um. Every other fic I wrote? Honestly, I think Now the Sun has Come to Earth and John Sheppard, Sam - Quantum for how she grows into her own responsibility
Daniel Jackson: Illumination for what it means to fit back into his own skin.
Jack O'Neill: Victim of Disorganized Thinking for the crack and Magnificent Desolation for the core of who he is.
Teal'c: Rosemary for Remembrance (the Paragon of Animals remix) for looking at him from everyone's eyes and Absolution for other possibilities.
Cameron Mitchell: Drifting Out at Sea because it was his story but also Cam, Sam - Dance for how he fits into the team.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Less, but not substantially so. I knew I'd be busier this year, so writing about half of last year's output makes sense (though I've written almost nothing since I got really busy, which is worrying for next year's output).

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I wrote porn! Like, serious porn. And it was scary but shutthef_up was a great beta and taught me and I learned what you can do with it to tell stories about the characters you can't quite do with other stories and it was scary but it's not so scary now. And then I let replicators take over my brain.

Do you have any goals for the New Year? Finish the WiPs. Finish the RepliFic, succeed in stargate_summer, work on the "Road Not Taken" AU and "Filling in the Valleys" and the ideas for Continuum fic and Unending fic and S10 Jonas fic. Find a way to work writing in around a busy schedule.

fic year in review

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