Title: Washed Away
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairing: Kyouya Hibari/Tsunayoshi Sawada
Theme: Bittersweet
Rating: PG
Words: 233
Warnings: Character Death (heavily implied)
Notes: This is somewhat like the "Epilogue" for a one-shot I did (Sand Castle). Which had... more pairings than the ones I referenced.
There was nothing left but emptiness as he watched his friends visit the tombstone one by one, each of them coping with his death one way or another. The brunette had to admit that he was happy that his friends, Takeshi Yamamoto and Amaya Gokudera, were going to get married, yet he had to admit that he was worried about their future.
“I wonder how he’s doing,” Tsuna murmured, still searching for the man that had betrayed his trust, the man that he still loved with all his heart. The affection that he held, the one that had never gone, crushed him with its weight, and he ended up here.
Catching a glimpse of ebony hair, Tsuna straightened as he saw the man that he still loved with all his heart. No words were spoken, and there wasn’t any acknowledgement, but he saw a glimpse of red within the other’s hand.
Watching Gokudera (Hayato) confront the man, Tsuna could only watch as the person who comforted him made gut-wrenching accusations that hit home, and he watched the man take the abuse silently, as if he had no chance of refuting.
As they both left, Tsuna finally got a good look of the red item he saw in Hibari’s hand. Covering his mouth to hide his gasp (not that anyone would be able to hear a ghost), he stared at a pure red rose.