(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 10:43

((OOC: I just dropped her a few days ago, so please be gentle? I didn't want her voice to start getting too rusty, so. =/ Also, hi!))

[Tear sits quietly where she is, a hand pressed against the side of her head. Perhaps the headaches Luke felt were something like this one, although she was fairly convinced that their natures differed greatly. It couldn't have been very long since she was last walking through her duties on the island, and yet, the people she had known were beginning to feel like people she had met in a dream. Her time spent in Auldrant, meanwhile, was coming back into focus with vivid clarity. There was only one problem. For all that she had reclaimed her memories, this place didn't seem familiar at all. Tear let her palm drop into her lap and glanced around cautiously.]

This doesn't seem quite right...

[Already a sense of dread was returning. Where had she been brought to now?]


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