[Well! It's a wonderful day, oh yes~ The weather was warm and lightly breezy, and Anise finally had her voice back after those horrible events on Valentines day. Even that ugly scar on her neck was but a distant memory. So~? How is a pigtailed munchkin to celebrate such a wonderful event?
By doing what she does best, of course! Anise is down in the kitchens with an array of foods, cooking. For who? Whoever! Who cares?! Free food! A mess of dishes and ingredients - including eggs, flour, chicken, tomatoes, strawberries of course~, and other things lined the shelves while the finished dishes, those being simple cream pies and fruit cups, were laid out nicely for people to enjoy if they so desired. Her new stuffed puppy was placed there to guard them, but far away enough so that she couldn't sneak a bite. ...Fine, Anise just doesn't want her to get dirty.
Oh! And what's a free dinner without a bit of a show~? ♥ Anise has her bright, pink iPod that she pillaged from one of the surrounding shops buried in her pocket, earbuds in her ears as she swings her hips and sings, loudly, while stirring a chocolaty mixture in a large bowl. Anyone passing by is sure to hear her, though she's wholly unaware.]
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya! Oh la, la-la~! [Please, feel free to come in and a.) make fun of her as she shakes her butt, b.) grab a bite to eat, it's delicious and she's taking requests, c.) aww at how utterly adorable this is - YOU CAN'T DENY IT, d.) throw food at her and expect all out pandemonium to break loose. |Db]
[OOC: I told myself I wouldn't, but I need this. @__@ To preserve my sanity. I'm still on...slight epic slow/hiatus for finals, but today is my day to roleplay. After that, Saturday through this coming Friday will be dedicated to just SCHOOLWORK, though I maaay throw in a tag sparingly. Sorry, folks, take what you can for now.]