Important Discussion Time.

Feb 26, 2009 00:35

It has been brought to my attention that some of our players have been having issues in being dragged into things they don't wish to take part in. To keep this place fun for all, I would like to remind everyone that to involve other players in a fight or scene without their consent is godmoding, which is clearly stated to be against the community ( Read more... )


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scionofhispower February 26 2009, 20:22:16 UTC
With the first point, people deciding to drag other players into fights without asking them (or predetermining, "Hey, we're going to go attack this person! :D" without asking if they're alright with it) is also something that could make someone decide not to post with a certain character. For instance, knowing that, if I were to post with this Asch, he'd probably get jumped, attacked, or dragged into a fight that I wouldn't even know about if it weren't for the fact that I read through other people's threads has turned me off from doing any posts with him, period. It's one thing for someone to come up and argue with him; he can bitch right back and belittle people with words just fine. But an attack is something entirely different, particularly when every single character that seems to do these "we gonna go attack so-and-so" without consent of so-and-so's player happens to be a godmoddy character who "omg you can't touch I so strong" or instaheals. It doesn't exactly encourage people to post, to reply to those characters, or to interact with them in any way.

For that matter, what happened to making weaknesses for your characters? Vampires are, I'm sorry to say, not all-powerful or super-special (and, quite honestly, are rather sickening by now in my opinion). The fact that they're all being played as such is extremely off-putting and is a direct contributor to why I, at least, haven't been around as much. They're played as godmods and they drag anyone and everyone into things, whether they want it or not.

And this leads me into a very important reiteration of "stop and think a moment before replying to someone's post." If the character who posted seems like one who maybe the player won't want certain sorts of characters involved with, ask them first. For instance, my onwingsofflame. He's a seven-year-old kid who's easily frightened and just wants to be with his older brother again. I also specifically requested to please keep overly-cruel characters away from him when I first introduced him, and I suppose that maybe it's my own fault for not reiterating this on all of his posts and for not also mentioning, "please try to keep the squick-ish characters away, as well." Regardless, he's seven, I kind of expected some discretion to be used in responses to him. Furthermore, if someone's character responds unfavorably to the point of it pretty much being obvious that the character doesn't want to be anywhere near that situation (or to the point where it's obvious that the player does not wish to have the character in that situation), it'd be nice for issues to not be pressed any further from there. As it is, just jumping into threads with certain characters when your character has quirks that could set off any number of negative reactions is something that everyone should be careful of. Particularly since some characters may react in a way that will then get the player yelled at for "being insensitive to the character who came to talk to them" (when really, the original accusation is often insensitive to the character reacting to it, as well as to the player).

I'm middle-of-the-road on if we get an OOC community or not. It's up to how many people say they'd like to have it.


ringthedead February 26 2009, 21:10:45 UTC
I think somewhere in that statement, it's directed to a certain redhead individual. It might've been because of Nebby's recent activity, but just because he comes up with elaborate ideas it doesn't mean he will act upon it.

I haven't strike Scion with Nebby after that one time and I haven't had plans of attacking with Nebby since.

And...of course they would act like so because that's what the character themselves believes. I gave Nebby weaknesses but he's also a character who doesn't really have anything to lose and will go all out. He's a character that absolutely believes he is all powerful. I mean unless you meant how they post, then nevermind lol

Sorry, these sort of issues makes me paranoid and go back to ringthedead since these sort of characters seem to go through these sort cycles constantly.


highmaintanance February 26 2009, 21:50:06 UTC
'Kay I'm not Josie so I can't ...really account for everything said and blahblahblah, but it's not just Nebby!Luke. It was in part the Nebilims that started the issue, as they were plotting to attack fononfailure and her helpless child (which, seeing as they're as good as married, also involves scionofhispower). Whether this was a baseless threat between crazies or not nobody was really sure of, but we figured it was a good time to remind people of the issues some of us have been having with god-modding. This just happened to be what finally spurred the post being made.

And by all means, Nebby!Luke and replica!Nebilim are awesome. We need some antagonistic crazies up in this joint. It makes the dressing room a little more lively, gives it a little plot and all. The only point that I think is trying to be conveyed here is to please be clear that your crazy is crazy and likely going to attack people. It's kind of like the NWS tags-- maybe this should be a post to spur a "fighting!" tag or something. As a general rule it's fairly obvious, but not everyone is aware of what they're getting themselves into so it may not be a bad idea. What is mostly trying to be dissuaded is posting to a pre-existing post in an antagonistic manner without prior consent of the player in question. 'Cause sometimes that's just not cool. :|

...♥ ilutaisa.


scionofhispower February 26 2009, 22:32:45 UTC
Well, at the moment part of what's keeping me from posting with him is the Nebby duo, yes, because Luke, Asch, and Aidan were specifically named with them. However, Nebilim!Luke does have weaknesses and can be stopped, at least (and the one fight between him and my Asch was one we decided on together), whereas there have been others who have wanted to physically strike Asch without even consulting me on it. And I've noticed that, every single time it happens, it's someone who's character "can't be defeated" (which, quite honestly, I have to laugh at, since Asch could erase their existence with hyperresonance, but if I were to use that as his defense against characters who are played like that, I'd get yelled at for it; nevermind that Abyss has two canonical extreme godmods: Asch and original!Ion. Luke, Sync, replica Ion, Florian... they've all got high portions of that godmod power going too, of course. Hell, if it's a Luke from after Asch's death, he has the super godmod power for a second-order hyperresonance that means you can't use big-bad-super-special fonic artes against him, because he can nullify them. And that's not even getting into the supreme godmod that Lorelei could be).

But I digress. The thing is that, when a character is "being hunted" without the player's consent, unless they went in and read through all of the comments on everyone's posts (and, quite honestly, there's some posts that even I won't read, in spite of the fact that I try to read all of the, because they're just really not my cup of tea in some way or another), they wouldn't even know about it. So they might reply to a post and get into a fight right away that they didn't even know was coming, or they might make a post for their character and suddenly get jumped/attacked/your word of choice here... and have no idea why. It's... really unfair to people and it certainly doesn't encourage someone to actively play their characters.

But, the thing is, there have been (and are) characters here that you can't damage in any way, no matter how powerful, quick, well-trained, or just plain good your character is in a fight. Even if you manage to land a hit on them, and they instaheal! You move to strike them, and "nope, superfast so-and-so is superfast!" And unfortunately, even with doing absolutely nothing, Asch manages to get targeted by people, and the only reason I know about it - and thus continue to avoid using him - is because I've looked through as many posts as I can. It's simply not fair to expect every single person to do that, and some may not be comfortable with certain characters being targeted.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUT anyway, I go on-and-on (and this is because I'm sleepy and have a terrible headache, so I get rambly), while the latest bit with the Nebilim-types has certainly spawned me not using Asch again, it's really just the latest instance of planned attacks against a character without the player of that character being consulted.


ringthedead February 26 2009, 22:50:15 UTC
:/ Well you know how I work. And honestly...seeing as I have yours and Sol's SN on AIM, I would have ask if I had planned something. What was being talked about in that thread, least on my part, whatever Nebby was spurting in that thread was what it is. Just him blabbing because he's jealous. So I'd say this was a misunderstanding. He talked threats but I myself, never planned to do anything and figure I wouldn't bother pinging people if I wasn't going to execute his crazy ideas.

I'm sorry if people are making it difficult for you to post with Asch though. All I can really say is, if it turns into that you do have the option to just stop responding to the person.

And if this just continues to pop up with everyone, then people should consider NOT making such controversial characters :| Because no matter what, I feel like this issue will continue to pop up regardless.


scionofhispower February 26 2009, 23:03:15 UTC
Mm, the thing is, I have had instances where he's gotten attacked without me knowing it was going to happen. It's not a matter of "don't make controversial characters," but a matter of making sure that someone they'd be going after is informed that they're a target. Because, yes, while I know you would actually message me and ask, "Hey, is it alright if..." I also know from experience that not everyone does give that courtesy and just jumps on in on someone who's completely unsuspecting. Which is the whole point of this: people need to ask before involving someone else's character in things like that. That'd, quite honestly, prevent the issue from ever coming up.

And while people have the option to stop responding, the attacker also has the capacity to contact the victim first or the option to not respond in the first place if they were unsure of how it would be received. Plus, at times, it gets pressed, and then people complain when threads a player was uncomfortable with get dropped. Which is all a situation that could be avoided by a simple, "Hey, is it alright if..." message.


knightinspandex March 3 2009, 19:27:43 UTC
"he has the super godmod power for a second-order hyperresonance that means you can't use big-bad-super-special fonic artes against him, because he can nullify them. And that's not even getting into the supreme godmod that Lorelei could be."

That is cuz Asch and Luke + Lorelei arez teh shiiiiit \o/ <3


highmaintanance February 26 2009, 21:41:18 UTC
Making weaknesses! A++. Of course the argument to the vampires bit will likely be "but they're already dead!", which clearly omits them from having weaknesses. e__e The one thing I'd like to add to the line of making weaknesses is the opposite end of the spectrum-- weaknesses are always a good thing, they add dimension to otherwise boring characters and all, but there is a such thing as too much weakness! If all a character does is whine about their tortured past to people, they're no better off than someone with no dimension at all. Let's try to tone down the emoemoemo?

And here's me again harping on my AU thing. Why don't we try something new with the dressing room? There are so many AUs here to begin with, it's starting to look like a "Tales of the Abyss themed" dressing room more than a Tales of the Abyss dressing room. Why not have everyone play at least one canon rendition of a character? For starters, it's a long-ass game, you can pull the character from anywhere to keep every Luke or every Asch or every [insert character here] being pulled from the same point in the storyline, and I think it'd shock some new life into the game that we haven't seen in a long time. Again, I'm not a mod so my opinion is, as previously state, just an opinion, but it's a thought.


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