Player Name: Nightlit/TK
Journal: abyssbuttmonkey
AIM Contact: NightlitEquinox
Character Name: Guy Cecil
Canon Name: Tales of the Abyss
Comm Tag: guy cecil
Aselia Wiki Personality: Guy Cecil is simultaneously more of an enigma than he initially appears, while still being less of an enigma than one would expect. He is quite mature and serious when he needs to be, but is generally happy go lucky. He is laid back, but ready at a moments notice. He is earnest, honest and kind; but capable of keeping incredible secrets.
Guy is very blunt. Not that he doesn't know when to hold his tongue, but if he feels the need to say something he generally will. Despite harboring a large number of secrets (a fact he is not particularly happy about), he actually doesn't lie most of the time. Generally he would rather avoid a subject than directly lie about it, a skill he has mastered quite effectively. He has a number of hidden agendas, but none of them actually facet a hidden persona. Personality wise, what you see is what you get, despite whatever evidence that might point to the contrary.
Guy is nice, pretty much to everyone. Even people he hates. Even his enemies. At worst he is wary of you. Even when he is pointing out your worst flaw, he finds a way to be nice about it. Mind you, his bluntness also means he often comes off as patronizing, when he really is just trying to help. Fortunately he doesn't tend to give out his advice without being asked, unless it's with people he is very close to (like Luke), so this generally doesn't ruin people's image of him.
Unfortunately, Guy's niceness is also a weakness. He is a follower and he lets people walk all over him. Even when the situation is exploitative. In short, he is everyone's butt monkey. Though he is largely okay with this, it does mean that his day is full of him doing everything everyone else wants him to do. This does not mean he will bend over backwards for his enemies, nor that he is docile. Despite all appearances to the contrary, Guy is capable of harboring great anger, even hatred, especially towards people who have wronged his friends and loved ones. While Guy hardly ever acts on it, it shows up in subtle ways whenever he interacts with the people towards which it is directed. If Guy weren't such a nice person, it probably wouldn't matter, but it stands out. Also it makes it pretty hard for Guy to hide it when he actually dislikes someone.
Guy is afraid of woman. This is not a joke (though it often is used humorously). Despite this, he is actually capable of being friends with them, so long as they remain a good distance away. His fear seems to be largely autonomic, though he has a sixth sense for it (though a girl can sneak up on him, if he notices one even out of the corner of his eye he reacts). He has had this fear basically for all he can remember (he got it when he was a child). Guy's gynophobia is not entirely paralyzing however, in a combat situation he is capable of striking female enemies and helping female allies essentially without any real problems, presumably the tenseness of the situation keeps his fear from overwhelming his senses. Though I suspect he would still choose to fight with a largely or entirely male regiment if he had the choice.
If I had to describe Guy in three words it would be: friendly big brother. He takes that role with most everyone in the group, and manages to be mature, even being a “big brother” to people who are technically far older than he is. He takes care of people as best he can, it's in his nature to do so.
Combat Abilities: Guy is quite skilled with a sword, using a subset of the Albert style called the Sigmund style. He is agile and either has a good amount of range via long thrusts or has a good area around him via sweeping blows. The downside to this is, he has a tendency to leave himself open after some attacks, particularly his more sweeping ones. Generally speaking, he is more agile than durable, though he is not lacking in endurance, he is just not the damage sponge of the group.
Of the characters in the game, Guy is the only one who is not a fonist, though he still is skilled enough with fonons to gain their passive benefits (ie: to gain levels) and also to properly utilize his fon slots with fields of fonons that result from fonic artes.
As far as his Artes go, Guy is the closest character to your traditional Tales swordsman, gaining many of the Artes like Swordrain Alpha and Tiger Blade (Guy's Tiger Blade is 3 strikes, putting it between the traditional Tiger Blades 2 and Tiger Rages 4). Strangely, he lacks the basic version of both Artes (Swordrain and 2 hit Tiger Blade). He also has a number of original Artes.
He initially has Demon Fang (which lets him shoot a shockwave along the ground... basically every tales sword user ever has this arte) and learns artes fairly slowly actually.
Power Ups: The Mystic Arte, though every character in tales of the Abyss gets one at level 30, Razing Phoenix is the closest thing he gets to a power up. He jumps forward slamming a group of enemies, and then creates a ring of fire around him and flies up in the air pulling them with him. It does fire damage, and has the annoying tendency to miss some enemies with the bulk of the attack, depending on their orientation.
Very late, Guy can (and I would like him to) get the Jewel of Gardios. While not his MOST POWERFUL weapon in the game, it is his signature one, and possibly his best do to the fact that it is required to use his second Mystic Arte, Brilliant Overlord, which is a series of powerful strikes which deal a huge amount of damage to one enemy. For the purpose of the RP (and because the fact that it isn't his best non-catalyst/non-arena weapon is BS) this would be his
infinity-1 sword with the Lost Celesti (his catalyst weapon) being his
infinity+1 sword. Though he probably won't ever get that anyway.
Other Abilities: Outside of combat, Guy is a jack of all trades, but a master of none, except fon machines, which he LOVES and is great with (why he doesn't fight using them in combat is anyone's guess really). He is a decent chef, but not extraordinary. He has survival skills, and he has a lot of knowledge about various places in the world. It is safe to assume he has a vast store of random knowledge, while he doesn't know all the details, chances are if there is something about the world that isn't a giant secret (and even some things that are), Guy has at least heard of it, though he might know no actual details.
Missions and Events:
Mission ?) Enter the Amazing Guy! - Guy shows up to save the day! Probably on the Tartarus mission (which is where he canonically shows up) but really, he can do so anywhere.
Log ?) Sync the Tempest - Guy runs afowl of Sync and realizes who he is.
Log ?) The Slot Curse - Sync curses Guy.
Mission or Log ?) Guy Attacks - Guy at some point turns on the group. If Luke or Asch is present, he turns on them, otherwise he turns on some person he actively dislikes. This is the result of the Fon Slot Curse.
Log ?) The Jewel of Gardios - Guy get the Jewel of Gardios from Luke's father. Normally only available after the final dungeon is entered. Should probably be relatively late game.
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