Hi. I'm Martine/Marty and this is an 'about me' post. Sorta, kinda thing.
This LJ I made for all fics that I'm writing, or going to write. Except for Pinto. Actually, I might post them if people really want them. They are my OTP and I'll tell you more in the links section.
Also, I love feedback. Seriously. Bring it on. I need to learn how to write better. And I won't get better without some constructive criticism. :)
I ship a lot fandoms/people/pairings so... here are just a few: Pinto, Andrew/Jesse (Jewnicorn), Spork/Spirk (Kirk/Spock), Daft Punk (Thomas/Guy), and many more.
So, let's make a link section.
I have a LJ just for Pinto fics. Pinto is my OTP. I started not too long ago, so don't be too hard. No pun intended ;D
Here is my Twitter:
http://twitter.com/Amourinfashion And here is my tumblr. I'm sorry, yes, I know I shouldn't say it but just in case anyone's really that curious.
(if I get/find anymore links I'll make sure to add them to this post.)
If you have any questions, recommendations, anything like that, just contact me. :)