Title: Quincest (Part Four, Slipping Away)
Pairing: Sara Quin/Tegan Quin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 841
Feedback: Always welcome.
Summary: The twins do their job, but something happens and it stirs up a lot of emotion.
Disclaimer: This is all from my imagination. I do not own Tegan or Sara.
Author's note: I'm not actually finished this chapter. It's a WIP, but feel free to read anyways. And give me feedback. I might need help on what happens later in this story. I'm leaving it for a while, just so you know. I'm only writing it when I know exactly what's going to happen and how to write it.
Quincest #4
Slipping Away
Repeating their previous procedure, the band unloaded all their packed things and set off walking towards a hefty stadium-like building. Dragging their weighty suitcases and massive equipment behind them, they headed into the suspicious looking building. Reaching the stage that they were going to perform on in a few hours, they did an awkward sound check to get it started off. Waiting patiently on the sturdy chairs backstage, Tegan and Sara waited for the seats to fill behind the sealed curtain.
Once it was their time to go on stage, they double checked if everything was working properly before heading out. Millions of faces whistled and cheered, making the twins blush. They wouldn’t stop until Tegan grabbed a hold of the microphone and said hi to the welcoming audience. Telling an amusing and embarrassing story, like always, Tegan started off the evening. Finally, it was time to sing, their favorite part.
Sara gazed over at her sister singing the chorus of one of her favorite songs. Light shimmered on her perspiring, blushed face. Her forehead was literally dripping with beads of water, her cheeks flushed, and her jaws squared and faultless. Veins on her throat trickled like vines; her voice box trembled with the best sounds. Eyelids curved and fastened with passion. Every once in a while, her face crumpled up and her mouth screeched with noises that were unimaginable. She felt like fucking her sister right then and there. With all her might, she forced herself to keep it in and mumble the song’s background vocals.
After hours of standing and singing their fucking hearts out, the twins finally said their goodbyes to the lovely crowd and went backstage to have a seat and hydrate themselves. Gawking at each other in their reflections in front of them, Tegan and Sara felt at awe and completed. Lightly leaving a kiss on Sara’s clammy forehead, Tegan strolled off and went to chatter with a professional looking man that was positioned a few feet away. Sara’s heart pounded violently against her flesh, inside her almost-flat chest.
Back in their new dressing room, Tegan joined Sara, just like the last time they were at a concert. Except, there was a cream coloured couch in this room and it was much larger and had lots of comfy looking seats and furniture placed in it. Tegan sat uncomfortably beside her tense sister. With worried, droplet-shaped eyes, Tegan asked the most predictable question, “What’s wrong?” Sara shifted in her seat uneasily before saying anything.
“That was completely wrong, Tegan!” She shouted unexpectedly, “People might’ve seen us, you know?” Tegan looked clueless as to what her sister was talking about. Seeing Tegan’s unamused, puzzled face, she finally added, “You kissed me on the forehead, Tegan!” With a little hesitation and a baffled expression, Tegan answered slowly, “I don’t see why it’s such a big deal, Sasa. I was just showing a bit of affection.” Stuttering like crazy, Sara started to become enraged, “But, but… but you know our fans! They…”
Before she could say anything else, a tall, lengthy professional woman stepped in the doorway abruptly. With her deep, dark toned voice, she stated, “I might have to have a word with you two later on.” Quickly, Tegan patted a cushion on her left, motioning to the woman to sit down beside her. “No, no, come sit with us! You weren’t interrupting anything, I swear.” A concerned look planted on her face, the lady went and sat down comfortably beside Tegan. Biting her lip, she started her sentence, “I know you two quite well, and I know your relationship with each other. I can handle you two being affectionate to each other, but maybe the fans can’t.” Sara glanced Tegan’s way and gave her an ‘I-told-you-so’ look.
Sighing deeply, Tegan sucked on her cracked lips slightly and raised her eyebrows. The lady beside her started talking again, in an even more serious note. “I have a plan.” She cleared her throat abruptly before starting again, “How about you two go on a trip? You get to spend some time alone and you can both write songs of originality and your true selves. Since you two are always together, I thought you needed some time to yourselves, so I planned a couple of trips.” Both of the twins had astonished faces on. “What?!” They both exclaimed synchronized. Sara quickly zipped in a question, “But to where exactly and for how long will we be apart?!”
“Wellll…” The woman began to reply, purposely stretching her response, “I only sent you to opposite places. Don’t worry; you will be able to contact each other, just not as much.” Sara gathered a tiny sigh and a quick anxious look.
Tegan tried to defend them both. She stood up abruptly, found Sara’s hand behind her and led them to their bus outside for a bit of privacy. Once in the bus, they both looked at each other for a good few minutes because they both started blurting out arguments.