Friends only!

Feb 22, 2005 11:59

From now on my LJ is friends only. I decided so because I don't want everybody to read my personal thoughts. I hope you'll understand that.
So if you decide to add me, be sure you read this:

I don't write about things that moves the world. Maybe it's quite uninteresting for you to visit my journal. I'm not always easy and I don't like people who bother me with their different opinions. I really like to share my thoughts with you and vice versa, but please be nice and don't try to change me.
If you are not interested in the life of a female student from Germany who likes cats, tv series and rock music, you're wrong here. Check my user info for further information.
If you think we've got something in common feel free to post a comment and add me first. I love to meet new people! But don't be disappointed when I don't add you back. Maybe I have my reasons for that.
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