For entelexia!

Jan 30, 2009 09:33

Title: My Dream For Us
Dedication: entelexia
Game: Abyss
Characters: Tear-centric with some Luke and Jade
Pairings: Luke/Tear
Rating: G
Word Count: 781 words
Warnings: Vague post-Akzeriuth spoilers?
Summary or Description: Oh, Tear, get over your silly pride already.
First time writing for Tear, like, ever, so I'm sorry if she's slightly OOC or if it sounds like shojo manga. OTL

There's something different about him...

Tear cannot help but find herself wondering what exactly it is. Luke had already made his resolution to change, had already followed through, was already trying to make as much of a difference as he could by any means possible. That wasn't it, though. There was something else.

She has begun to notice things about him that she never noticed before--things she has never really noticed about anyone. She sees now all the simple yet charming things about him. It unsettles her. Tear also cannot help but notice, maybe a little resentfully, that she almost waits hopefully for him to speak to her; hopes that he'll come to her first rather than Guy when stress and travel have taken their toll on him.

It's selfish, really, Tear tells herself. And more than that, it's ridiculous.


It was one of those down-times where everyone was free to split up for awhile and do their own thing. Tear had done everything she needed to do and bought all the things she thought she might need. If she could reassemble their group easily that evening, everything would work out perfectly.

"Fancy running into you."

Tear jumped. There was something about Jade and the way he could slide up behind you that still managed to get her every single time he did it. Nonetheless, she managed to collect herself quite easily.

"Hello, Colonel."

"My, my," he said, feigning surprise (or was he?). "You've let your guard down, Tear. How unlike you to startle like that!" The man fell into step with her

She could tell he was just playing, but somehow the remark made her face get warm. "Y-yes, well, I admit I've been a little out of sorts this morning," she answered. "I was up late last night."

Jade raised his eyebrows at this, but the melodist had the distinct feeling that he had known anyway.


She found Luke last of all, standing not ten feet from the inn, staring up at the sky. It was at times like these when his eyes were so clear and his face so free of worry that she didn't have any difficulty imagining that he was really only seven. Tear couldn't help but smile in spite of herself. "Luke," she called lightly, "are you ready?"

"Oh!" He turned suddenly to look at her, orange light from the fading sun catching on his red hair. "Sorry," he said, offering an apologetic smile. "I got caught up in something."

"Looking at the sky?" As much as she tried to avoid it, Tear couldn't stop the inappropriate tone of voice from escaping her. It must be habit by now, she decided flatly.

Luke's cheeks went slightly pink. "Uh, yeah... I know that sounds really stupid." He stopped, turning away from her again and tilting his head back to look at the colored clouds disappearing slowly behind the horizon. "It's just that... when I look up at the sky, everything seems really perfect, y'know? Then I wonder if we'll all get to be happy together under this sky when everything is finished."


"S-sorry," he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "That's probably a bad reason to be late."

"No, it isn't." Somehow Tear couldn't bring herself to smile at him, though she wanted to. "To be honest, I wish I could still think like that myself."

Luke looked almost offended that she would even think such a thing about herself. "That isn't true," he protested. "You wanted to make up with Master Van, didn't you? That was optimistic."

"I suppose." Wait. That wasn't the point. They were supposed to be getting ready for tomorrow! Soldiers did not, could not, and would not waste time gushing over a pretty, red-haired boy in the sunset--not that that was what she had been doing. "But nevermind. We have to get our stuff together." Tear began the short walk back to the door of the inn.


Suddenly he was right behind her, his hand catching hers from behind. Tear stopped. There was a stupid girly happy feeling welling up inside her; the kind she used to get long, long ago when loyal big brother Van brought her flowers or told her nice stories. It almost made her sad to think about it.

"Yes?" she answered plainly, voice betraying her present thoughts.

"When all of this is done, I really want you to be happy, more than Guy or Jade or anybody."

"And I wish the very same for you, Luke," Tear replied quietly, gently freeing her hand from his and making the last few steps back toward the inn.

And she smiled.

I hope you like it!;;

Also, have a pen doodle for giggles.

Although it's probably not funny if you don't know who Grune is.
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