I just wake you up to hurt myself.

Jan 26, 2006 02:21

I couldn't think of a title. Sue me. Or sew me. Something. I think I have a couple of ripped shirts that need repairing. Anywho, on to the post! I suppose only one exciting thing has happened all week, but stuff has happened. For example, I have four cavities. And when the dentist was poking around my teeth for fragile spots in the enamel so she can stab me there and say to herself, "Ah, another cavity = more mulaa!", she frequently impaled my gums with her freaking diamond tipped drill. I know because I could taste the blood! Heck, I could smell it! I suppose that's what I get for going to the local dentist instead of someone, you know, who knows what they're doing. So that was wonderful. Speaking of wonderful, I think I did amazingly well on my AP Chemistry final today. All year I've been struggling, but today almost all of it actually made sense! As opposed to me in general. Although I miserably failed Pre-Calculus. That's one thing that'll never make sense to me; Math. I answered like 18 out of 40 problems. And I studied too! Speaking of miserable as well, one of Joe's fish died. And it had nothing to do with me or the cat! Yay! But no, it died of fishy cancer. At least I' betting it was fishy cancer, considering it had four pinkie-sized bumps on it. And they kept growing. So yeah. Did I mention Joe got new fish though? I'm not sure.... Eh. So in any case, I only have one last thin to say before I go to sleep. Or something. Um, yeah, on Monday night, some of the power in the house was out. Actually it was right after school some of the power was out. And I some instead of all because only a little over half the electricity in the house was working. Nothing outside worked, but the fishes and lizards' lights worked. The main lights in all rooms were out, but in my room and the livingroom some smaller lamps were working. The computer and TVs worked, except for the TV in my parents room. Actually, nothing in my brothers' room or my parents' room worked. The refrigerator and oven worked in the kitchen, but the microwave, coffee pot, and toaster failed. The phones were down, but we could still go online. The bathroom lights were out, but for some reason the electric heater in the room was usable. And in my room everything was fine, save for the ceiling light. So in other words, we had to live by candle-light. It was amusing. Eating by flame, cooking by flame, heck, showering by flame. Now that was interesting. Only my mom found it to vex her. Everyone else could care less. Including me. But yesterday my dad called the city and found out that a tree branch was resting on the wires to the house. So we got evryhthing fixed. So now everything is normal. Curses! ::shakes fist:: Anyway, I'm getting uncontrolably tired, so I should be moseying on to bed soon. Or now, nows good. Laters!
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