Vanessa vs Chris

Nov 10, 2007 02:27

1. Who eats more?
He does.

2. Who said "I love you" first?
I did.

3. Who's taller?
He is

4. Who sings better?
Neither of us!

6. Who’s smarter?
In what subject?

7. Who’s temper is worse?

8. Who does the laundry?
Mostly me but he carries it up and down for me now that I'm so pregnant!

9. Who does the dishes?
Mostly him.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Laying on Along with the dog and the kid and occasionally a cat or two!

11. Who is more romantic?
I am.

12. Who’s hair is longer?
Mine, but his has better texture when its long.

13. Who’s better with the computer?
He is.

14. Do you have pets?
Three Cats, One Dog and we must not forget the SEA-MONKEYS!!

15. Who pays the bills?
I do. He earns more money though.

16. Who cooks dinner?

17. Who drives when you are together?
He does with some complaining.

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Now that I write the bills I hold the cards.

19. Who is the most stubborn?

20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
He is. I'm NEVER wrong *grin*

21. Who’s parents do you see more?
My Mom.

22. Who named your pets?
I think I actually named them all except for the sea-monkeys which we never really named.

23. Who kissed who first?
I think he kissed me.

24. Who asked who out?
I don't remember.

25. How did you meet?
Through Matt and Julie.

26. What was you first thoughts?
Does he live there? He was at their apartment EVERYTIME I went there!

27. Who’s more sensitive?

28. Who has more friends?
We share!

29. Who has more siblings?
Me, he's an only child.

30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I SO do.

31.Who is more sexy?
He is *grin*

Now repost as You Vs Your significant other.... It's kinda fun to think about it
and reminisce....
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