Jan 26, 2010 21:01
- 02:51:35: I just daydreamed up an imaginary conversation with Nathan and Thad about Final Fantasy villains and their mothers.
- 02:58:01: Nathan and Thad: "Yanno, FF villains have seriously messed up moms.... Sephiroth and Jenova." "Juja and Garland" "Edea and Ultemicia."
- 02:59:00: I interject: "Who was Kefka's mom? Because that woman deserves some sort of award." Thad: "Kefka was not born, he was spawned...
- 03:00:33: T: "He was spawned from when someone dumped the remnants of a detonated cown into a vat of acid." N: "The mother...is acid..."
- 03:00:57: T: "Yes. all things considered, it makes perfect sense."
- 14:53:43: Wow Andre Bauer. Stay classy.
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