Dec 07, 2007 22:49
We don't have the Nintendo Wii.
I don't know when we'll get any.
No, I can't put it on hold for you, because we don't have them in stock.
No, I can't charge your mastercard.
You can talk to a manager if you want, but we won't get any Wiis until at least Monday morning.
No, I can't put them on hold for you when they come in.
No, we don't have a waiting list.
No, I don't know how many we're going to have in.
You can talk to another associate if you want, but there really are no Wiis.
In fact, there are no Wiis in Canada.
Yes, really.
No, I can't put one on hold for you.
Now multiply that by 800 and you have my life.