Title: Evolution
Summary: It is an evolutionary process, he muses. These things are bound to happen.
Rating: R
Author's Notes: 642 words. For
citron-presse. Set mid-season five. General series spoilers. All mistakes are mine. These characters, however, are not.
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One of the aspects of your writing that I love is how you break down the characters' experience into tiny nuances of thought and feeling that sort of recombine to make to make a wonderful, flowing whole. This (among other things) makes you a perfect writer for Mark because there's always so much under the surface, so many little reactions and you capture them all.
I love watching his transition here and watching him watch it! I love how you kept a balance between 'Mark Sloan' and the gentleness that seems envelop him when he's around Lexie. The lovely scene in the on-call room is delicate but down-to-earth-sexy at the same time and I can imagine them just like this.
Also, the Mark and Derek scene and your characterization of Derek (“Happy,” he says, an odd smile playing on his lips and Mark isn’t really sure how to take it - whether it is an accusation or a mere observation. He never has been able to tell with Derek. - so spot on!) is perfect; and awesome dialogue.
Finally: There is a place inside him, deep and buried, that thinks he might love her, just a little, but he’s not that guy, and that isn’t what this is - not yet, anyway - so he follows a routine that is as familiar as breathing and buries it. Wow - just wow! Pure Mark.
Thank you so much for this!
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