Fic - What Kind of Day Has it Been (Lexie, Mark/Lexie) R, 1/1

May 15, 2009 16:40

Title: What Kind of Day Has it Been
Summary: It's easier, you see, to move through the uncertainty. All we have are the mistakes of others guiding our ways, lessons passed through the grapevines. Take them or leave them -- it's always your choice.
Rating: R
Author's Notes: 2,712 words. Knee-jerk reaction to 5x23 and 5x24. Dedicated to all the girls ( Read more... )

!writing that i love, pairing: lexie grey/mark sloan, fic: grey's anatomy, character: lexie grey, !fic, rating: r

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Comments 48

liquid_courage May 15 2009, 20:56:16 UTC
What a beautiful piece. I'm a little upset that nothing was resolved with them before the end of the episode, but this totally fit. You're a wonderful writer. Well done.


abvj May 16 2009, 03:34:18 UTC
I'm upset too. More worried now than anything, but that's the point of cliffhangers, I guess. To keep you coming back?

Thank you for reading. And I'm glad you thought that it fit -- I was a big wimp and didn't outright address any deaths because I'm not certain of what did/will/i want to happen.

*sighs* Your icon makes me so happy. In this bittersweet way. Do you think it would be obsessive if I just put that scene on repeat for a while so I can go back to writing happy, fluffy things?


shiparker May 15 2009, 21:00:05 UTC
Honey, I just read this very quickly (I didn't sleep well so now I will) and when I get back I will coment because you so deserves that. But I quite wonder if I wasthe only one who liked their scenes? In fact, slap me but I could see Mark and Lexie's points and I think it was well explored (And their spat wasn't overly dramatic and quite them). So, I don't know, I just think this is one of the most couple-y things they did so far on the show. I am sorry that I am spaming your livejournal and I not directly commenting on your fanfiction but I end up quite pleased even if it wasn't what I expected. I do think that next season they might explore Lexie's POV as far as Izzie and George goes (Even if they make it) because she may realize sometimes people don't have five years. Hmmm... anyway, I will get back latter, but you do know how amazing you are right?


halo_jess May 15 2009, 21:51:49 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I liked the scene where they discussed marriage. Found it to be funny, and kind of Mark and Lexie in the early days....


abvj May 16 2009, 03:39:54 UTC
Oh, that scene will forever be in my top three for these two. The smile that plays at his lips, the way she has this affectionate smile, the way you can tell she almost wants to say yes, but her head isn't letting her? JESUS THESE TWO KILL ME EVERY TIME.

I really need to get over this obsession...


shiparker May 16 2009, 05:13:44 UTC
You don't need to get over any obsession, don't be silly. Obsession makes people like us people thatare not whoring up and smoking crack.

That scene was indeed so cute. I wanted to squeeze them. Mark said the M word! He thought about that! He wants to have million of babies with Lexie. It is so awesome! Heee!


badboy_fangirl May 15 2009, 21:01:59 UTC
The title is from The West Wing, is it not? Don't keep up with Grey's, but I do recognize that title... :D


abvj May 16 2009, 03:31:44 UTC
Your David Cook icon is teasing me. Why is he such an adorable, irresistible man? *sighs*

And yes, it's from 1x22 -- It was, coincidentally (and fittingly), on TV this morning when I was editing this. I'm shameless in the way I borrow things, I know.


fc2001 May 15 2009, 21:14:28 UTC
I know the title is The West Wing (although I've been beaten to the punch on that), but what I really want to know is how you do this? Produce fic, and such well-written fic (which I can recognise, even if I fell out of love with Grey's Anatomy a while ago) so quickly. I envy your talent.


abvj May 16 2009, 03:43:03 UTC
I'm so glad that people knew the title! I thought it was fitting and I am so ridiculously horrible at thinking up titles, so.

You know, I fell out of love with Grey's Anatomy a while ago, then fell back in love because of these two.

Produce fic, and such well-written fic (which I can recognise, even if I fell out of love with Grey's Anatomy a while ago) so quickly. I envy your talent.

That was such a lovely thing to say, Fi. It really, really made my night, you have no idea. *hugs*


halo_jess May 15 2009, 21:53:23 UTC
As always, wonderful work. Utterly beautiful and left me wanting to read more.

"Outside thunder crackles and retreats, the steady tap tap tap of rain filtering against the window." Perfect.


abvj May 16 2009, 03:45:03 UTC
Thank you, bb! I appreciate the words. There will be more -- I have some stuff waiting to be edited to adjust to the canon of last night, and I have a feeling I might be writing a lot to deal with the separation of anxiety. *sighs*


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