Title: At the Bottom of the Well (is Where We Dig Ourselves Out)
Summary: It's a grieving process, she muses, learning that what you thought you were was an incredible, elaborate lie. Meredith wonders if this is what it was like for him, always having to pick up the pieces.
Rating: pg
Author's Notes: 818 words. Spoilers for everything up to date.
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Comments 17
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very Mark and I think a good insight into Derek's psychology.
I wish Mark would just suck it up and talk to him, he has to know that it wasn't about Lexie. His pride is just hurt, I think.
I'm keeping your other prompt in mind while I go to Africa. I think I may have a lot of time to write over there when I can't sleep!
It's a nice change to see Meredith holding Derek up, and I especially like how you portray her here. :) good work
It really, really is and I'm actually really proud of her. Usually she would take this and run, but she's sticking with him and I'm a little elated. I think Meredith may be growing on me.
Thanks for reading!
And she won't leave just because she has to breathe for him...
That is really poetic and so, so true. Thank you for reading. I'm glad that you enjoyed this.
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