"The record is spinning again. We're just not on the song we wanna be on."

Mar 10, 2009 00:33

Alright, I'll admit it. I'm stuck. I've been trying to write something for the past two days and it's just not happening. And, to top it off, I'm completely devastated over tonight's 24 and have chosen to not think about it at all until the last possible moment (preferably next Monday night at 8:59).

So help a girl out and spam me. Give me a character, a fandom and prompt and I'll try my best at writing something for you?

And because I have OCD and like order:

the act of adjusting becomes the act of moving on
Lost. Kate, Kate/Sawyer, Sawyer/Juliet. They had been angry, a little, at the displacement.They weren’t accustomed to being on this side of the equation. Nothing is as it was. 793 words. pg. Spoilers for everything to date. For sellthelie.

at the bottom of the well (is where we dig ourselves out)
Grey's Anatomy. Meredith, Derek/Meredith. It’s a grieving process, she muses, learning that what you thought you were was all an incredible, elaborate lie. Meredith wonders if this is what it was like for him, always having to pick up the pieces. 802 words. pg. Spoilers for everything to date. For -takemeaway-.

RPF. Jen Aniston, Courtney Cox, Jen/Brad and Jen/Vince if you squint real hard. "I think it's a good thing," Courtney says. "I mean, it's time to get back on your feet." No one ever said rebuilding was easy. 364 words.

at the end of the tunnel
Gossip Girl. Lily, Rufus/Lily. It’s odd to her now, this closeness; it’s an adjustment to have him near after years with nothing but space and distance and all the things they had forced themselves to forget between them. Takes place after 2x14. 800 words. For christinadagood.

fic: rpf, !fic

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