Fic - Keepsakes (Carol, Doug/Carol) pg, 1/1

Jan 08, 2008 17:03

Title: Keepsakes
Summary: It had been something like out of a dream. This is how it starts.
Rating: pg
Author's Notes: 300 words. Drabble for happywriter06. All mistakes are mine. The characters, however, are not. Enjoy

It was something like out of dream - meeting him.

His hand had slid into hers, warm and calloused, and those eyes, and that smile, and it was kind of like those moments you always think you’ll never have. Those moments people always look back upon fondly, and say with a wistful smile, I knew what love was once.

Carol had always been strong; always been independent (by default, she thought sometimes, because she’d vowed years earlier when skinned knees were easier to mend than broken hearts to never, ever become her mother) always been alive, and then she met him and he made her want for things she never knew she wanted, things she didn’t realize she needed.

But for every single thing he gave her, he took a little piece away in return. Bits and pieces here and there. Nothing significant, mind you, but eventually those bits and pieces formed one big whole and suddenly he had her, all of her, and it is everything she never wanted for herself.

“I think I could love you,” he had said early on, his hands in her hair, her head on his shoulder and she’d breathed him in and took the moment as a warning sign of sorts. The way, even then, with their legs tangled and his heartbeat next to hers, he still kept her at arm’s length, always.

At least she still has that moment, though, she thinks years down the road when he’s left her once again, carrying those bits and pieces he collected over the years in his pocket like a keepsake.

Carol runs a finger in a circle lazily around her navel, thinks about that day, his hand in hers, that smile and thinks it’s enough to at least remember what it’s like to feel whole.

character: carol hathaway, rating: pg, fic: er, !fic, pairing: carol hathaway/doug ross

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