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Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 26 2010, 17:18:13 UTC
Lexie eyes herself critically in the mirror.

Blond. Really blond. She hates it.

She thought she'd feel different, new somehow. She needs to but she doesn't. She's as miserable as she was 30 minutes ago when she put the hair dye in. Only now she'll be miserable but with more people staring at her and her new, stupid blond hair. She wonders if she can get away with wearing her scrub cap all day before dying her hair back to something approaching her normal color tonight.

Sighing in frustration, she cautiously opens the door and peers out into the hallway. Once she confirms there's no one else around she makes a mad dash for her room.

Of course a clean get away is almost always impossible at Meredith's house. There are just too many people here on any given day. The door to Meredith and Derek's room opens and Meredith stumbles out. (Stumbles really is the appropriate word. Meredith's wearing what looks like a pair of Derek's pajama pants and her Dartmouth t-shirt and her hair is mussed from sleep. She's moving slowly and sort of feeling her way along the hallway. Lexie's not even sure Meredith's eyes are open.)

Lexie freezes. In one brief second of panic she considers running past Meredith straight to her own bedroom and slamming the door shut. But she decides to avoid any actions that will leave Meredith thinking she's completely mentally unstable. Instead she stands there and waits for the inevitable mocking. Maybe if she stays completely still, Meredith will walk straight past and not even notice she's there.

For some reason Lexie flashes to a documentary she watched on Animal Planet one night when she was too tired to change the channel. Flying squirrels go stock-still to avoid a predator. They blend in with their environment and most times the predator passes by without disrupting them.

Not that Meredith's exactly a predator but Lexie wishes she could blend in with the wall right now, be invisible. She remembers the squirrel, wings pressed against the tree branch, fading from view. Before her brain can fully process the futility of the gesture, she's pressing her hands against the wall behind her in the same fashion.

Lexie curses herself for her stupid decisions. All she wanted was something new, something different to make her feel better and now she's frozen in Meredith's hallway wishing she were a flying squirrel. She officially hates this day.

Any doubts she has about whether Meredith's eyes are open disappear when Meredith stops directly in front of her. Meredith's eyes widen as she tilts her head to one side examining Lexie thoughtfully.

"Wow," she says. She rubs her eyes as if to clear the sleep from them and get a better view of her ridiculous, now blond sister attempting to melt into the wall.

Here it comes, the mocking. Lexie steals herself.

"You're pretty hot blond," Meredith mumbles sleepily as she starts moving again, walking past Lexie and toward the kitchen. "I'm going to make coffee. Want some?"

A sense of glee that's completely out of proportion with Meredith's off-hand comment fills Lexie's chest. She stays glued to the wall and completely stupefied for a moment before she manages to sputter, "Yeah, coffee. Coffee would be good." Lexie smiles to herself as she walks back to her room to get dressed.

She can totally rock the blond.


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words abvj May 26 2010, 17:33:20 UTC
I enjoyed this! I was so not behind the choice to go blonde in the beginning, but it grew on me. Thanks for sharing!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words mammothluv May 26 2010, 18:36:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I love the blond now too, so much that I think I'd be totally thrown if she switched back.


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG slybrunette May 26 2010, 19:31:52 UTC

For some reason Lexie flashes to a documentary she watched on Animal Planet one night when she was too tired to change the channel. Flying squirrels go stock-still to avoid a predator. They blend in with their environment and most times the predator passes by without disrupting them.

You have no idea how hard I laughed. That's a good thing, btw, because it felt very Lexie and also very organic. I love that we get this reaction here -- it's a shame that we missed it on the show.


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 26 2010, 20:25:06 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you think it felt true to Lexie. I was bummed that we missed seeing Meredith's reaction on the show too. I always love their sisterly moments and wish we'd see more!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG acecoast May 26 2010, 22:32:59 UTC
Great last line. Though they have been shown to get along better compared to when Lexie first showed up, I think Lexie is still looking for approval/acceptance from her big sis. And that a small (maybe even insignificant, in Meredith’s eyes at least) comment can give her enough confidence to rock the blond… well, it is pretty awesome. I enjoyed the read, nice job!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 14:34:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked this. I agree that even the littlest signs of acceptance from Meredith can mean a great deal to Lexie.


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG citron_presse May 26 2010, 23:06:37 UTC
Ah, I LOVED this! You have a real gift for writing humor laced with depth, and this is a great example of this. Perfect Lexie, Meredith and Meredith + Lexie relationship. Amazing!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 14:35:39 UTC
Thank you! This is a great comment. I'm so glad you think I got Meredith, Lexie and their relationship right!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 00:45:56 UTC
Oh I loved this! This would so be a moment in the show. *grin*


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 14:36:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm pleased to hear you thought it would fit well in the show!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG wondernthestars May 27 2010, 06:30:25 UTC
that. was. awesome. you are epically tapped into Lexie ;) as usual, wish we saw more on the show ..when Meredith told crazy gunmen that she was lexie's sister- totally warmed my heart- I don't know what it is about them! haha great job ♥


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 14:38:34 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you think I did a good job with Lexie. I wish we saw more Meredith and Lexie scenes on the show too! I loved Meredith's scene with the gunmen especially when she mentioned Lexie.


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG step86 May 27 2010, 07:03:02 UTC
So in love with his!
I love they're scenes, I love them bonding! Thank you for sharing :)


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 14:39:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!


Re: Real Life Is Way Better than Animal Planet (Lexie, Meredith) 567 words, PG foibles_fables May 27 2010, 20:51:56 UTC



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