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abvj May 24 2010, 19:52:55 UTC
Lexie, red


From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 26 2010, 08:09:53 UTC
From yesterday, the fear...


He's home three nights before she finally lets herself fall apart.

Before that there'd been a rampant gunman to protect him from, blood transfusions to run the gauntlet for, ex-wives to impersonate. Before that there'd been emergency surgeries to sit through. Waiting room coffee to consume.

Traces of his dried blood to scrub from her hair.

Before he'd been home for three nights there'd been a ventilator to communicate around, silent, stony terror in his eyes to try and smooth away without actually talking about why it was there in the first place.

There'd been a heart rate monitor that effectively filled the long minutes and hours of silence as he slept and sedating pain medications that blurred his words and weakened the permanent grip his fingers now had on hers.

But it's been three nights now. He's been home for three nights when she walks into the bedroom, more 'theirs' now than 'his' despite the fact that she's barely slept in it for a month.

Barely slept in anythingBarely slept ( ... )


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG step86 May 26 2010, 08:38:03 UTC
really like this! Good job :)


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:23:19 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG slybrunette May 26 2010, 12:26:24 UTC
Holy. Crap. I had to go digest this for half an hour after I read before I could up with something sort of coherent.

I kind of love how people have rallied around the 'Lexie as totally traumatized' idea because, well, it's fitting with what we know of her, her place in the chaos of all of this, and it makes for really, really good fic.

He's asleep when she walks in. On his back, one arm, his right, flung out across the mattress just so. He's thrown the quilt to the side, it's more on the floor than it is on the bed and the sheets? The sheets that are tangled around his legs and draped loosely across his scarred torso?

Those sheets are red.I knew right what she was looking at, could conjure that all up in my mind, and damn did you do such a fantastic job with this. That part sticks out, for obvious reasons, but the whole thing is heartbreaking and vivid and raw and horribly beautiful. I love Meredith's place in this, and the fact that Alex actually gets up to see what's going on, is actually concerned ( ... )


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:26:55 UTC
Thank you so much. It's kinda nice to know that I can leave you 'speechless' in a way!

Alex's concern is totally deliberate on my behalf (obviously, 'cause I wrote it!) because I've read a few post finale fics that post him as an ass and I really, REALLY hope that isn't what happens in season 7.

This is so my favorite thing right now. Oh, really? Thanks!


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG citron_presse May 26 2010, 14:34:44 UTC
Guh - this is so powerful! Lexie's descent felt so real and oppressive and, honestly, I think my heart rate was going up through the whole thing.

I loved it that Alex answered to his name; and that he got up to see what was wrong. It was loving, and a welcome bit of solid reality to cut through Lexie's emotions, which I think, by that point, I needed nearly as much as she did!

This is seriously awesome work.


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:30:36 UTC
Thank you so much! I really can see Lexie being the one to struggle with what happened the most next season... especially if Alex has a tough recovery (physically or emotionally) and/or doesn't remember much about what happened (ie. the 'i love you' - which I think he was unconscious for anyway, yes? - and the begging for Izzie... which, delirium... he's unlikely to remember that either).

Man, I can't freaking WAIT for season seven damnit! I'm more interested in this than I am about the start of this season even though there was the cliff hanger (that wasn't really...).


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG citron_presse May 27 2010, 07:38:22 UTC
I think Lexie's had so much compounded trauma heaped on her, the finale events have to take a big toll.

the 'i love you' - which I think he was unconscious for anyway, yes? - and the begging for Izzie... which, delirium... he's unlikely to remember that either

Oh, totally. I honestly don't think he has any idea about either of these. And as much as Shonda says he made his choice (and as much as I might latch on to that for M/L purposes!), he was delirious . . . (Yes, I did just stand up for Alex/Lexie a little bit ;) )

(btw - I kinda love the way that what's probably a sensible time in Australia keeps coinciding with past my bedtime in California (for which you should blame any incoherence in this reply). Usually, I'm behind everyone else!

ETA: just want to note again that I have serious love for this fic.


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 11:41:46 UTC
And as much as Shonda says he made his choice.
I know, right? Sometimes I think that, for the creater or various hugely successful medical dramas, Shonda doesn't actually understand all that much medicine!

Yes, I did just stand up for Alex/Lexie a little bit ;)
And Mark has been re-deemed for me. I think the world must be a little off kilter! Or maybe it's finally righted itself. Kinda hard to tell.

I have serious love for this fic.
Thank you :)


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG lizzy29 May 26 2010, 17:07:18 UTC
Freakin amazing, I need to hug Lex so bad.


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:31:21 UTC
Feel free to go ahead and hug!

Thank you!


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG abvj May 26 2010, 17:24:54 UTC
This is so beautiful. You write the aftermath Lexie so well -- the way she deals with this is exactly how I imagine her dealing with it. Thanks for sharing!


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:32:17 UTC
Thank you for reviewing! I'm glad you liked it and I hope it answered your prompt (in a round-about kinda way!).


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG violet1979 May 26 2010, 20:21:00 UTC
That's breathtaking. I was so drawn into that breakdown that I'm still feeling a bit shaky. And I love it. :)


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:33:08 UTC
Thank you!


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