Fic - So Far From Where We Started (Donna, Josh/Donna) pg, 1/1

May 13, 2010 10:56

Title: So Far From Where We Started
Summary: Who knew new beginnings could taste so bitter?
Rating: pg
Author's Notes: Drabble. 205 words. Post Impact Winter. Written a while ago for a  random drabble-a-thon. Edited and re-posted here on a whim because I'm obsessed with organization apparently. Writing for these characters still scares the crap out of me therefore, con-crit is both appreciated and welcome.

Pencils, pens, her chipped coffee mug with a fading cartoon on it.

Donna is packing, amazed that she can fit the past six years of her life into a small copier paper box. A stapler, an old picture from the campaign that was buried in the back of her drawer and it’s disheartening really, looking at Josh and Sam’s grins bursting with idealism and her own, bright and hopeful and she wishes she knew then what she knows now.

Years spent tiptoeing that invisible line - Josh, always needing and she, ready and willing to please him at any cost, giving so much of herself without even realizing - and Donna feels too tired to be still be so young, too far from the person she once was to recognize the face staring back at her in the mirror most mornings.

Later, a glass of scotch with the TV on mute and she traces her fingers over the edge of The Art and Artistry of Alpine Skiing, and wants for things so impossible.

It lands in the box, in-between the mug and pictures, a fruitless attempt at forgetting.

A sigh passes her lips, bittersweet with wistfulness and longing.

Donna never knew new beginnings could taste so bitter.

pairing: donna moss/joshua lyman, rating: pg, !fic, fic: the west wing, character: donna moss

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