Challenge No. 5: Crime and Punishment
Title: Prayer
Characters: Micah, Chimera
Words: 100
Notes: Spoilers for Incubus Dreams. Set before Narcissus in Chains.
Chimera's fist swung back, spattering Micah's blood on the dingy wall.
The panwere grabbed Micah's hair and pulled him up, the shorter man's newly broken leg scraping against the floor. Micah couldn't help but scream.
"Why do you suffer for them?" Chimera growled. Micah knew without looking that Gina was still huddled on the floor, where she had fallen when Micah stepped in to take her punishment.
There was nothing that Micah could say. As Chimera extended his claws and drew back for the blow, Micah prayed that one day, he would find someone strong enough to save them all.
Title: Beautiful Pain
Characters: Valentina, Belle Morte
Words: 100
Notes: Spoilers for Cerulean Sins. Set centuries ago.
The screams that echoed off the stone walls were music to Valentina's ears. How she had wished her maker to bleed like this, to scream like this.
As he had made her bleed. As he had made her scream.
The others like her, the older ones, had been destroyed. They were so twisted, damaged, most had welcomed death.
Belle Morte, Council member and Valentina's own sourde de sange, laid a hand on her shoulder. Valentina looked up into that beautiful face.
"Have you heard enough?" Belle asked.
Valentina shook her head. "Not yet." The screams started afresh, and Valentina smiled.
Title: Handcuffs
Character: Nathaniel
Words: 100
Notes: Spoilers for Incubus Dreams. Set when Nathaniel was 14 and working on the streets.
Nathaniel scowled at the cop. The handcuffs hurt, but that was okay. Nathaniel liked pain.
How was he to know the guy was a fucking cop? What kind of vice cop targeted kids, anyhow?
"Age?" the cop asked.
"Eighteen," Nathaniel lied. The last thing he wanted was social services. It had taken him days to get out of the last fucking group home.
The cop snorted. "My ass. Tell me your real age, you get a place in a group home. Otherwise, it's jail."
"Jail," Nathaniel said. He sighed as the metal of the handcuffs cut deeper into his skin.