Title: Hush
Word Count: 100
Character: Damian
Challenge: Silence
In the silence before dawn, Damian wonders what it would be like to never wake. To have this quiet peace go on forever, night time nothing more than a fevered dream easily forgotten.
When he opens his eyes at the kiss of sunset, that crushing weight is back. He knows he must go out once again, feed from the willing women, none his own.
The one woman who holds his heart- and other things- turns away time and time again, leaving him always alone.
Sometimes, in the silence before dawn, he wishes it were so easy to just let go.
Title: Skipping Stones
Word Count: 100
Character: Edward
Challenge: Silence
When the world narrows down to just one point, the bloody impact, all he can hear is silence. That sharp nothingness that tells him he’s on target, the hunt will be successful.
Edward wonders if this is part of the appeal, the absence of distraction. The world is a chaotic place; he does his part to keep order because he doesn’t like messy things. Everyone needs a reason.
He ignores the small voice that says things will never be fixed; there will always be another monster to kill.
Death moves through splashes of stillness and tries to forget about tomorrow.