Hello, Once Again

Feb 09, 2010 18:59

I've asked myself many times how long a self-imposed exile should be, and it never seems as though it's been long enough. However, I'm bored, and I miss my outlet.

Things are going to be different, though. I've had some issues with fandom, and things eventually got to a point where I had to admit that I got addicted (like addicts do) and it led me to make some really terrible choices. So I'm coming back to LJ (and possibly back to fandom eventually, although which fandom and in what capacity remains to be seen) and I'm going to try to do things in a better way. Step one is a massive flist cut.

The "old me" was very concerned with things like having a lot of LJ friends, but that was just one of the many counterproductive and self-destructive things that I need to get rid of. So I've removed everyone except people that I have an actual, personal relationship with. I define that as people I've met in real life or people that I've had in-depth conversations with on multiple occasions. I've also cut everyone who was affiliated with American Idol fandom, because I have no intention of revisiting that fandom again, and I won't be discussing anything pertaining to that fandom here. My fic is (and always will be) unlocked for everyone to read, so there's no need for anyone to friend me. If I removed you and you think that I made a mistake in doing so, please send me a message and berate me about it. It's entirely possible that I clicked a box I shouldn't have clicked. I basically removed everyone, so please don't be upset or insulted. I'm trying to start over from scratch, and that's hard to do when you're clinging to the past. Also, I'm a notorious softie, so I pretty much had to axe everyone or no one. There was no middle ground for me.

Basically, the main reason for my return is that I miss my outlet. I'm on Facebook, but many of my friends there are relatives or childhood friends, and I have to censor myself far too much for my taste. So I'm trying this thing again. However, things are going to be different around here. I'm going to try to stay above the fray this time and keep my sanity. Wish me luck. :)



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