Hi. I'm 48, done all kinds of work to heal, confronted perpetrators, wrote my autobiography, came out to family, did lots of time in counseling, attended assorted support groups, got a B.S. degree in social work, talk with my brother serving time in prison for molesting his daughter, have an honest relationship with my intimate other(s) and our
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Does anyone 'function' like family, or parents, for you? I mean, older people who help you out, listen to your worries, etc. For example, that whole business of you being in the Job Corps --- what got you there?
It sounds like just EVERYBODY in your life either assaults you, or insults you. Did you ever report these rapes, or get help for yourself?
Even people who had homes that took care of them as little children, and protected them --- even THOSE people have horrible experiences like rape happen sometimes. And they need LOTS of help.
You need a LOT of things. You need a family, or really good friends, that help you get SAFE and VALUED. Sometimes joining a church helps.
You also need to work on ways to protect yourself, and arrange your life so you can heal. Healing takes time.
It kinda worries me you've been raped so severely, repeatedly. You might think of your sexuality as being like a broken leg. It won't get better until it gets put straight, and insulated for a while, like the way a broken leg gets put in a cast. You don't walk on a broken leg, even though legs are for walking. You be kind to the break, by seeing a doctor, and respect the healing process, by not using the leg until the doctor removes the cast, and says to walk again.
With your "broken" heart and abused sexuality, maybe you shouldn't DATE to find love for quite a while. You need really good FRIENDS and people who are FAMILY to you, but your experiences with RAPE are gonna, probably just get worse, just like if you kept walking on a broken leg.
You've been really, horribly hurt, and I feel bad for you, and want you to help yourself in these ways. Please?
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