I'm doing this on behalf of a friend of mine. She has written most of this up for me and I've edited it. I'm using a sock account for my own safety but it's likely I'll get suspended if they're really just trying to cover this up.
I'm sorry if this is tl;dr )
I will admit that the community wasn't mine, I asked a user (who's name I unfortunately can't remember) if I could have it and she gave it to me. If that was the case then surely I would have been told just simply no and not suspended for being previously terminated, which is untrue.
There are people asking for my journals to be purged also because of this stupid idea of purging suspended journals so I guess they're hoping it'll make them loads of money too.
I've got other accounts on those emails I gave them that aren't suspended and they haven't gone through and suspended them, if I was this notorious journal hijacker I'm pretty sure they'd want to find out quickly and would have given me a quicker response and suspended my other journals.
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