Moderator decision

Dec 28, 2005 01:58

The previous post was not intended for the discussion of the actions of lj_abuse, but as a snark of a single individual.
It has turned into a slanging match between that individual and his accused, also outside of the remit of this community.

The thread has therefore been pulled by the moderators.

If either party has grievance with lj_abuse or its actions, and can successfully voice them without overstepping the ToS, or any restrictions, whether deemed valid or otherwise, placed upon them, they may do so by starting a new thread.

Edit (29/12/2005): Since certain people seem unwilling to follow polite requests, I am switching commenting off for this post.
Edit (31/12/2005): Comments have been re-enabled so that others can see what has been posted, but threads are frozen. Any abuse of this change may result in the comments being tuned off again
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