Quizzes XD

Nov 09, 2008 11:27

Haha. I don't ever seem to stop.What Your Yellow Umbrella Says About You
When faced with adversity, you approach problems with an amazing clarity.
Alert and energetic, you are the type of person who is “always on.”

Unlike most people, you are pretty immune to burnout and exhaustion.
You can dig deep and do what needs to be done. And still have time to enjoy life.

On a rainy day: you stay home and catch up on chores
The Umbrella TestYour Blog Should Be Yellow
You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?You Are Best Described By...
From the Lake, No. 1
by Georgia O'Keeffe
What Famous Work of Art Are You?Your Lucky Underwear is Blue
You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them.
You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist.

Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry.
If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first.
What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?You Are a Purple Crayon
Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors.
You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful.
People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you.
And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off!

Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you.
What Color Crayon Are You?You Should Be an Artist
You are incredibly creative, spontaneous, and unique.
No one can guess what you're going to do next, but it's usually something amazing.
You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored.
As long as you are able to innovate and break the rules, you are extremely successful.

You do best when you:

- Can work by yourself
- Can express your personality in your work

You would also be a good journalist or actor.
What Should You Be When You Grow Up?

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