Jan 24, 2006 17:37
Today wasn't a good day.
I woke up in a bad mood and I'm still in a bad mood.
I had to go to the Hospital AGAIN last night for YET ANOTHER allergic reaction.
This time it didn't come on slowly and start in my ear... I took a shower and when I got out my whole face had red itchy blotches all over it - basically what it looked like the third day after the reaction started last time.
I decided that I could eather wait until the next day when it would be alot worse and go to the doctor to get steroids or just go to the hospital and get them that night and be ok the next day to go to class and everything so I did that.
Lisa came with me and we were actually in and out pretty quick so it wasn't bad.
I had illustration and statistics today and I have bio in an hour.
Art sucked becuase my professer just talked about himself the whole time and I can't understand a word my math professer is saying becuase his accent is so thick.
I went to go get my perscription and and when I was out the door I realised I forgot the perscription so I came back and got it then once I was out the door again I realised I forgot my cell phone so I came back and got it and when I was out the door the third time I saw the shuttle pulling away so I came back and got my journal to write in at the buss stop.
As soon as I got on the shuttle and was going down whittney avenue to my car I realised I had left my q-card on my desk the third time I went back... inabling me to get out or back in the parking lot so I rode the shuttle to the two parking lots and then back to the school... walked to the polling institute to borrow my Mom's car... left my journal in her office when I got her keys... got my perscription filled and came back.
A huugeee fucking production beucase I'm so overwhelmed I'm leaving everything everywhere.
I bought the rest of my books and they all came to about $500.
I'm offically poor.
I still have to get this crazy calculator for statistics and some software for my psyc statistics class.