Oct 23, 2005 21:39
10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: Blue, Red and Black
Favorite Food: Don't really have a favorite right now. I go through stages of likes.
Favorite Band/Singer: Right now, Rascal Flatts, Kelly Clarkson
Favorite Song: Right now I have quite a few favorites. Skin, Gold Digger, Come a little Closer, Listen to your heart, Dontcha
Favorite Movie: too many to name, I love movies.
Favorite Sport: Playing- Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Watching-Volleyball, Basketball, College Football, Gymnastics.
Favorite Season: Spring, I love the fresh crisp air, and new growth.
Favorite Day Of the Week: My day off, whichever day of the week that falls on.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip, or Rocky Road, or just plain Chocolate.
Favorite Time of Day: around 7 or 8 pm, that is when my favorite tv shows come one....LOL
9 Currents...
Current Mood: Bored, am at work and it is very slow tonight.
Current Taste: just ate a salad.
Current Clothes: pair of khakis, and a black polo uniform shirt.
Current Desktop Picture: it's a work computer so it is just a blue screen.
Current Toenail Color: I need to re-do, some of them still have hot pink on them.
Current Time: 10:00 pm
Current Surroundings: Work at the front desk.
Current Annoyance(s): nothing really, nothing going on.
Current Thought: I don't want Vess to go to Wyoming on Wednesday.
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Ashley Nicole Nichols
First Kiss: Josh
First Screen Name: ANicoleBurgess
First Pet: Petie-a dog
First Piercing: ears
First Crush: Clint Cox
First Music You Remember Hearing: Stuff that my sisters listened to in the '80's.
First Car: 92 Chevy Corsica, aka:pos
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: Junior year in High school at Josh's with Tish
Last Drink: Water
Last Alcoholic Drink: Don't remember, it's been awhile.
Last Car Ride: Coming to work.
Last Kiss: Vess a couple of days ago.
Last Movie Seen: in the theater: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Red Eye, At home: Whatever dad seems to be watching at the time.
Last Phone Call: About 10 minutes ago, someone wanting the room of one of our guests.
Last CD Played: Black Eye Peas- Monkey Business
6 Have You Evers...
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: No, but we became close friends afterwards.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Have You Ever Been on TV: Don't think so, other than home movies.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yes
5 Things...
5 Things You're Wearing: Watch, engagement ring, ttu necklace, khakis, polo shirt.
5 Things You've Done Today: Shower, Work, ate, smiled, talked to strangers.
5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: the hum of the computer, the ticking of the time clock, me typing, the buzz of the lights, and now the phone is ringing.
5 Things You Can't Live Without: Family, Vess, NJ, Water, Food
5 Things You Do When You're Bored: Play on Computer, Read, Watch movies, sleep, hangout with friends or family.
4 things...
4 Places (states) You've been: California, Florida, Mississippi, Nevada
3 People...
3 People You Can Tell Anything To: Jenny, Tish, Melodee
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: cold
1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: Travel the world.