Oct 02, 2013 20:55
Gosh, I am having such a hard time studying this week. ;c;
Tomorrow I have a Japanese test and a Public Administration midterm...
I finally got caught up with my PA readings...but that doesn't mean I'll do well. @_@ I wish that teacher would use a mic! Every time I cough I miss something, and I cough a lot because pollen. ;;
And this chapter of Japanese is a major pain in the buns because keigo. Urggggggggggggg. I did my skit though, and it went well. very easy to memorize, thankfully. I procrastinated so much.
But as soon as I'm done tomorrow I get to go have a wonderful night. ;w; I'm going to go eat something tasty, check out TRU, and return these crappy shoes for good ones. Then I'm going to come home and play FF14 and draw pokemon with wigs.
I can't wait~
And there is no club this week, so I don't have to feel bad for skipping, yay! Hopefully I can get some readings done and finish Dr Who. I'm so close!
Also, I am now very much team froakie. ;w; Finally decided. Some cool things leaked today, but I still need more ghosts dammit! I want a ghost/fairy so bad...a cute one.
Apparently you get some sort of timeline thing if you ordered both versions at gamestop too. :0! It looks like a poster, but we'll see.