(no subject)

Oct 25, 2011 02:15

You look back and feel bad about things you've done
• Strongly Disagree
• Disagree
• Agree
• Strongly Agree

Apparently the correct answer for that is 'strongly disagree.' That's what I put, since I haven't done that many bad things...but what if you're a human that made a mistake and feel remorse? How is that bad?

I loathe Unicru tests. nothing is better than a person on person interview. Unicru encourages you to LIE so that you can get a job. It's encouraging you to lie so that you can have money for your livelyhood, and that's wrong.It encourages you to LIE SO THAT YOU LOOK LIKE A MODEL HUMAN BEING. Hate to say it, but those don't exist. Humans get down sometimes and do things they regret. That doesn't mean they won't be an amazing worker.

Unicru is wrong and should never be used.
If you agree or want to learn more, you can go here to read a bit and sign the petition.

For those of you out there that are human but need a job, here's the answer sheet. It's a shame we have to lie to get jobs, but they want robots over real human people.

I support faulty humans gettign decent jobs. Do you?

In other news, I'm helping run Freecon this year. c:

freecon, job, life, human

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