
Nov 13, 2006 04:47

Status: Host - Healthy, Active

Status: Mother - Confirmed

Status: Kureno-sensei - Unconfirmed

Status: Hyuuga Hinaji - Confirmed
Status: Inuzuka Kiba - Confirmed - to be monitored

And now I've seen them both. They're both alive, both breathing, and both smiled at me.

This is the most relief I've ever felt, I think. We're all still friends. I'm back, Kiba's alive, and Hinaji needs a nap. The way things should be.

Not that he should need a nap.

...I think this is what people call 'giddy.'

My nerves feel better now. I still need would like to talk to Sensei, but... he's reasonably busy just now. That can wait. Being able to speak with Kiba and Hinaji is enough for the time being.

I say we really do bring her rope when we go.

hinaji, hospital, status, sensei, private, kiba

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