May 14, 2005 21:49
ok, I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist, episode 40. Cuz I'm an obsessed fan, y'know? As a refresher, this is the episode where Matel comes flying out of Alphonse to smash Kimblee, where Ed puts on a brunette wig, where he meets Rose again and...where Scar reveals the story of his brother.
Scar's brother. Lust is the homunculus of his dead lover, dead from disease. We all know that. Which, of course, means he tried to transmute her. Well, duh. In episode forty there's that scene where she's covered by a sheet, and little Scar knocks on the door, and his brother kind of peers around. Then the shot screens down and you see all this blood.
Well, at that part Scar says something like "Even though he lost part of his body...she still didn't come back." And I thought...hmm, yes, I wonder what part of his body he lost? After all, we find out what Sensei lost, and Al lost, and Ed lost...
And then I looked at the picture again. And noticed the blood was only on the lower half of his body. In splatters and streaks. But there was a very, very large concentration of blood just below the belt level. In fact, in the area where his...ANYWAY...
So, a very subtle attempt on the animator's part to explain what his brother lost, and why even if he brought his lover back to life they could have mad sex anymore.