I thought I would post a quick PSA on Tuesday's Presidential primary since this year is a little confusing since we moved our primary date early and the DNC didn't like it and so candidates took their names off our ballot and then later they tried to put them back on and lots of mess. Furthermore, no one turned in the paperwork to have their names be eligible for write-in counting because of this THERE IS NO WRITE-INS FOR OBAMA EDWARDS OR ANY OTHER MAJOR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE NOT ON THE BALLOT. That's key because if you write them in your vote will not be counted.
Who you can vote for on the dem side: Clinton, Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and "uncommitted" so if you would like your delegate to vote for someone other than those two that is which box you check. If you want to vote for someone on the ballot than all is normal.(Chris Dodd is also on there but he withdrew after Iowa)
Republican side is normal
Here is a list only still with the people who withdrew after Iowa (Dobb, Brownback, Tancredo)
There will be some issues also on the ballot but they depend on county and city and school district and the like.
You must choose one side in our primary, no cross-voting but you don't have to be a registered party member.
Vote on, party people.
EDIT: I just found out that MI delegates are banned from voting for democratic nominee so while the democratic primary is still on it lacks a point from a strict voting sense maybe more of a symbolic point. ^^;