Dec 27, 2007 12:49
So how long has it been? Two months? Ceiling cat aka Greta is no longer a ceiling cat, she is a prowling cat. Mom didn't see her for like, 3 weeks except to talk to her and rub her head when she bribed her with wet food, which she hadn't had before and then Greta progressed to forlornly meowing at her and my mom would think she wanted something but when she would get close Greta would run. Then, just two weeks ago she moved to restlessly moving around the house and being very interested in trying to escape outside - we agree she had started looking for her people and it was really pathetic and sad, her wandering around like, okay, I'm feeling better and I'm ready to go home now, has anyone seen my mom? And we really have to watch when we leave the house (she's been in the garage several times now, but the door was shut and we can't pick her up so we just had to go out there periodically until she was ready to come back into the house on her own.
Oh, and in a telling update on "what really happened to the cat?" front my mom discovered, shortly after Greta started spending time out of the basement that she runs away at the sight of a broom. Uh-huh. To contrast, Rupert enjoys sprawling in the dirt pile and grabbing onto the broom. On the other hand, she is always jumping up onto the counter and dining room table and that is not allowed kitty behavior. All we have to do is yell at Rupert and he jumps down again or, since you can tell when he is thinking about jumping up to make a Ah! noise and he won't. But Greta doesn't get off the stupid table! We have to make a brushing motion with our arm really close to her. I mean, we've knocked Rupert off if he is being bad up there and not getting down but Greta is too fragile to make a move like that, Rupert as a member of a loving family (who knocks him off counters ^^;) is made of sterner stuff and knows he was being bad.
So Greta is up on her own (she and Rupert ignore each other) and she follows my mom all day long (when she isn't at work). She is like a small child and just troops over the house with my mom, she said she even has left her bathroom door open for the cat. So really things are progressing in a good direction now she will even lay on my mom's lap (and mine) if we are in the recliner in the family room and be rubbed. I tested out if she would lay with me last night and answer is yes (I can't believe Adult Swim's Futurama contract is expiring, best show on their stupid lineup these days).
She hisses and growls at the boys more than me but that is because they just won't leave her alone, stop trying so hard to make friends. XD I mean, the cat doesn't know which end is up she will meow nicely at you and then hiss and run in the same breath. I was in the kitchen and heard her and said in my nice kitty voice, "Greta, where are you?" and talking nice I see her under the kitchen table and she hisses and "rror"'s and takes off and as soon as she is behind a wall in the family room she lets out a sweet little "meow". So yeah, the cat is still completely nuts but I think she'll be okay. Just don't make too much eye contact or spent any time thinking how creepy her crazed stare is. Good kitty.