i hate to be such a pessmisit, i really usually am not, and honestly, at times, especially highly stressful-short-on-time times, i still will write to do lists. but sometimes, when i sit back and look at it, i think "how many more times will i do this before i die?" like, "how many more times will give flea medicine to my cat, before i die?"
see, now that i talk about it, i feel like an idiot. i don't think i can accurately convey what it is about to do lists. it's not the act of giving a cat flea medicine that makes me sad, it's not doing this a thousand times that would make me sad.. i guess what makes me sad is to put things i do, whether they be regular or occasional or seldom occasions into words that fill one line to be checked off. i don't know if it's the fact that i'm not comfortable with these things put into such few words when they often mean so much (experience, fun, love, learning, whatever) or that i'm writing down things to do, instead of just doing them.. like, why do i have to remind myself to do thing? do i not like doing these things? i think that's the key.
sorry for the long reply.. i just let my mind wander for a bit.
yeah.. i think it's the fact that most of the items ive written on to do lists are either ideas ive had but never got around to (this is a huge source of frusturation for me. i often create things after long spells of boredom or isolation or relaxation, none of which i get anymore) or things i don't REALLY want to do, but have to (ie: turning forms in, paying taxes, fixing cars, obgyn). i look at this to do list and i see things i want to do so bad but can't because i have to do all this other bullshit i really fucking don't want to. THAT IS THE KEY to my hatred of to do lists.
I've found it is very uplifting to put "Make a to do list" at the top of the list. This allows me to check off the first thing immediately after completion of the list. Gives you a bit of motivation.
For a brief moment I was looking for a green thumbs up to digg your comment. Then I remembered I was on LiveJournal, not Digg.
And I love iGoogle, even if the lowercase "i" does remind me of Apple garbage. As far as Google Desktop....eh, I guess I can live with Vista gadgets. Especially the Seattle traffic map one. And the weather...and the post-its...
My computer is like an extension on my body. I would be absolutely devastated if it were severed from my life.
see, now that i talk about it, i feel like an idiot. i don't think i can accurately convey what it is about to do lists. it's not the act of giving a cat flea medicine that makes me sad, it's not doing this a thousand times that would make me sad.. i guess what makes me sad is to put things i do, whether they be regular or occasional or seldom occasions into words that fill one line to be checked off. i don't know if it's the fact that i'm not comfortable with these things put into such few words when they often mean so much (experience, fun, love, learning, whatever) or that i'm writing down things to do, instead of just doing them.. like, why do i have to remind myself to do thing? do i not like doing these things? i think that's the key.
sorry for the long reply.. i just let my mind wander for a bit.
And I love iGoogle, even if the lowercase "i" does remind me of Apple garbage. As far as Google Desktop....eh, I guess I can live with Vista gadgets. Especially the Seattle traffic map one. And the weather...and the post-its...
My computer is like an extension on my body. I would be absolutely devastated if it were severed from my life.
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