I had a crazy day yesterday and got to go down to the lake and swim! :D
There wasn't really a plan... we just started walking. Before we knew it, we ended up in one of those places only "locals" know about. A path down the bluffs, to the lake!
Made it!
I smell THINGS.... *dig dig dig*
After half an hour and a lot of walking down steep grades, we took a break. Off came the "equipment" and it was time for some real old fashioned beach-combing!
There wasn't another soul to be seen, which was FINE by us!
Queen of the Mountain! Seriously...I had to be at least twelve feet up at the top there...
Even though it's still COLD, I insisted on diving into the lake to grab sticks, and then chew them to bits... tasty, tasty, sticks.
So pretty...
Mum kept telling me that the sounds I was hearing could be birds... or coyotes, or even DEER... we saw lots of tracks!
Ain't I sexy?
The final cove we stopped at before Mum got tired and we headed back home...
It was such a nice day, and it was fun to be able to be a normal DOG for a little while... we didn't see ANYONE the whole afternoon down there, but saw another pit bull and it's people, on the way back up the bluff trail when we were heading home. :P
I hope I get more fun days like that. It was great!