Nov 25, 2004 14:37
Thanksgiving Break...the time for lots of sleeping, eating, and seeing friends. :) Last night all of us girls got together and went out for coffee (in my case, hot cider..because you know I love it so much I'd scald my hand just to be able to drink it later - aka the incident in Baltimore, lol). Then we went out to Chick's but it was so crowded we left..a disappointing first visit to the best bar in the area, lol. We ended up at Froggie's and got some drinks and all hung out and then even more people came..and it was good catching up all around. I don't think that many of us have gotten together for a long time. Very nice. :) Now we have plans for later this week possibly involving Vanilla Ice...oh it'll be good, haha.
A little bit of rambling: So last night we ran into some other Hershey people at Froggie's. I kinda prefer to not hang out around town because I don't really like to run into people from high school, because the people I'd want to see are my friends and I'm gonna be with them anyway. That's not to say there aren't random people I wouldn't like to see, but you should get my point. I feel like I've changed a good deal since high school and I really like my college self. But I feel like when I run into people I knew from high school but wasn't friends with, it's back to the high school personality. I'm not saying that seeing people is an altogether bad experience, it just takes me out of my comfort zone, I guess. Eh, I won't ramble on about that anymore.
Alright I've gotta go, I've gotta help my mom in the kitchen a bit (though not much, you all know I lack basic cooking skills) and then we'll eat (MMM, haha), sleep, play Cranium, and see a movie. Sounds like a good day. :)